Valentine's Day was created for romantic actions, gentle gestures, touching gifts. Let someone grumble that you don't have to wait for a special day to show your love, but what's wrong with taking an extra excuse? It depends only on you whether to run to the store for teddy bears and a box of chocolates or make an effort to arrange an unforgettable date.

Go back in time
The first date always has a special place in your heart. You probably remember many details related to this day. Try to recreate it. Just do not play Groundhog Day, over and over again trying to live this day again. Especially if you walked on the beach in the midst of a hot summer, and celebrate Valentine's Day in a snowy city.
Write a story “When I Met You”, find photos and make a wall newspaper or “glue” a presentation, find out what happened on this good day in the world and make a “timeline” by combining these events with your special moments.

Try new
Romance doesn't always boil down to candlelit dinners and rose petals. Many agree that there is nothing more romantic in a relationship than realizing that you are a team and together you can do everything. If you are just such a couple, then your date on Valentine's Day can take place at a climbing wall, in a cool quest, you can learn to dance a difficult dance together, or even try to jump with a parachute. In general, doing something new on this day, going beyond the usual, can become an excellent tradition.

Plunge into the unknown
What could be more romantic than mystical secrets, ghostly whispers and mysterious stories? Go on an evening tour of the most intimidating places in your city and your date is sure to be special. Where you live do not take such walks? It will be even more interesting to organize it yourself! Plunge into historical documents, read the forums of local lore, and you will surely find what you need.

Classics - yes, platitudes - no
To be completely honest, romantic dates are most often spoiled not by candles, champagne and roses, but by ill-conceivedness and banality.
Buy a bottle of wine, light candles and take turns reading each other your favorite poems, if you love poetry, then this is your date. Do not try to make your apartment a romantic nest, rent a room for one night in a good hotel, where specially hired people will take care of the convenience, who will clean up in the morning. If cooking is not yours at all, find a cooking class in advance and learn how to cook one, your partner's favorite dish at the "god" level - such a surprise is clearly better than a standard dinner in a restaurant.

All these tips are built around one rule - bring the classic technique to perfection. Do not collect the hackneyed attributes of the most romantic holiday, be a real romantic. And, if necessary, perform a serenade under the balcony - sing, even if a platoon of bears has passed your ears. After all, the feeling in your heart is important, and not how it looks from the outside. On Valentine's Day, you can do any stupid things if they are for someone who is dear to you!