Mother's Day In In Russia: What Date, Congratulations

Mother's Day In In Russia: What Date, Congratulations
Mother's Day In In Russia: What Date, Congratulations

Many holidays have been invented, but, perhaps, the most necessary, the most reverent and tender of them is Mother's Day. Despite the fact that it has a short history of celebration in Russia and has become quite popular in certain circles, at the same time, there is data from a VTsIOM poll, according to which 47% of Russians have never celebrated this holiday and only 16% of respondents know exactly its date.

Mothers Day
Mothers Day

Holiday history in the world

It starts from ancient times. Even in the Paleolithic era, the image of a woman was the supreme deity. The mother goddess as a collective image is present in the mythologies of different countries. In Armenia, the goddess is the mother Anahit, in Ancient Greece, Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love, she is the goddess of marriage and childbirth and a child-carer, in Ancient Egypt Isis is the goddess of femininity and motherhood, in India Matri is the mother goddess, Shakti is the goddess of the feminine principle.

In the mythologies of other countries, it is also mentioned about the worship of their goddesses, who were identified with the progenitors of everything. Mother worship has always existed. One of the striking examples of admiration for a woman can also be called the veneration by the Christian church of the Mother of God, as the parent of the God-man Jesus Christ. Currently, Mothers Day is celebrated in more than 130 countries around the world, including Russia. Each country has its own official date, as well as the traditions of the celebration.

mothers Day
mothers Day

Mother's Day in Russia

In the Russian Federation (then still in the Soviet Union), for the first time in 1988, an event dedicated to mothers was held in the city of Baku. It was initiated and organized by a simple teacher of the Russian language and literature Elmira Javadovna Huseynova. She wrote the script and sent it out to periodicals. The script was published in the journal for teachers "Education of Schoolchildren" in 1992.

She also drew up an appeal to hold such events every year. This appeal was published in different editions in 1988 and 1989, and notes about the holiday itself appeared in the magazine "School and Production" and the newspaper "Soviet Russia". For Elmira Huseynova, Mother's Day has become a good tradition, and after her many schools picked up the passed baton. The holiday, in fact, became a national holiday, long before its official recognition.

It was officially established only in 1998, that is, 10 years after the first unofficial celebration. The basis for the establishment was the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, number 120, signed on January 30, 1998. The decree "On Mother's Day" was developed on the initiative of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. V. Aparina. His goal was to support family traditions and a reverent attitude towards the woman - the continuer of the clan. That is why on this day not only mothers are congratulated, but also pregnant women who will soon become mothers.


It is generally accepted that the symbol of Russian Mother's Day is a teddy bear and forget-me-not. But there is no official confirmation of this. The official version is only about forget-me-not. Where did this disagreement come from? In order to update this day, the Charitable Foundation "Link of Generations" in 2011 established the action "Mom, I Love You". Forget-me-not became the symbol of this action, like a flower that can remind of forgotten loved ones. And on the postcards developed by the organizers especially for this event, this same forget-me-not was held in its paws by a teddy bear.

forget-me-not symbol
forget-me-not symbol

Perhaps that is why it is mistakenly believed that the holiday has two symbols: a bear and a forget-me-not. In fact, there is only one symbol - it is a forget-me-not flower, and it is not a symbol of the holiday itself, but of an action.

When celebrated in Russia

According to the Decree of the President of Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In 2019, this day falls on the 24th. Accordingly, in 2019, mothers will need to be honored in Russia on November 24. The celebration date is not a non-business day on the production calendar and is not carried over to the next business day. On the calendar, this is a normal Sunday. Events dedicated to this day usually take place on Sunday in cultural and leisure centers and on the last working day before it in educational institutions, depending on the length of the working week. This year, festive concerts and matinees in schools and kindergartens will be organized and held on Friday 22 November with a five-day work week and Saturday 23 November with a six-day work week.

How to congratulate mom

Every child, even the smallest, can congratulate mom. For her, just a hug and a kiss from her child is enough to feel happy. It will be nice to hear simple, warm and sincere words: "Mommy, I love you." Of course, in kindergartens and schools, pupils, under the guidance of teachers, do various crafts with their own hands and learn poems and songs. The literature is rich in materials dedicated to mothers. You can choose for every taste and every situation. Here are some examples to congratulate. Just poems for moms to use at formal events.


Poems with simple human wishes for any mothers of different ages (colleagues, acquaintances, girlfriends, neighbors, grandmothers, young and pregnant women).


And here are words of gratitude from children and grandchildren.

mothers Day
mothers Day

And, of course, poems, where there are many of the most tender words of gratitude from loving children.

from children
from children
mom's day
mom's day

Also, nothing prevents you from thanking and congratulating mom in your own words from the bottom of the heart:

“My dear, dear mommy! I congratulate you on this wonderful day! Thank you for giving me life, for everything that you did for me. Let your eyes never know tears, and your children, that is, we, and grandchildren can only make you happy. Long life to you, health and peace of mind."

If words cannot be composed into beautiful sentences, you can simply write beautifully in any graphic editor on a beautiful photo.

love mom
love mom

In any case, words are not the most important thing, actions are more important in life.

Therefore, it is imperative not to forget and congratulate mothers on this magical holiday on November 24, 2019 and give them your tenderness, love and care.
