Mother's Day is perhaps one of the brightest holidays of the year. It has recently begun to be celebrated in Russia, so not every person knows which day it is worth being especially attentive to the woman who gave life. When is Mother's Day officially celebrated in Russia?

Mother's Day exists in many countries of the world, and in Russia it began to be celebrated since 1999. The roots of the holiday go back to antiquity; even in antiquity, the day of the mother of all gods - Gaia was known. It was celebrated in the spring. A similar celebration was with the Romans, who honored in March Cybele, the mother of patrons, the same can be found among the Celts who worship the goddess Bridget.
Mother's Day in Russia and the world
Mother's Sunday began to be celebrated in England back in the 17th century; the memorable day fell on the second Sunday of Great Lent. And this holiday was a day off for people of all social strata. And in Russia, a decree establishing Mother's Day was signed on January 30, 1988 by President Boris Yeltsin. According to the official document, the holiday falls on the last Sunday of November every year.
On Mother's Day, it is customary to make surprises for your beloved parent, celebrating the holiday with your family. And the most appreciated are gifts made with your own hands. In all regions of the country, on this day, festive concerts, exhibitions with works dedicated to mothers, thematic festivals and competitions, and school matinees are held. On a holiday, you can remember many pleasant moments and once again thank your mother for giving life.
Mother's Day celebration
The holiday loved by many is international, but there is still no single date when it would be possible to tell your mother about your feelings. Therefore, each state has its own Mother's Day. And, unlike International Women's Day, on this holiday warm words and hugs, kisses are given exclusively to mothers and pregnant women.
In many countries, such as Japan, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Italy, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May. In Kazakhstan - September 16, in Belarus - October 14, and in Uzbekistan - March 8. In Spain and Portugal, Mother's Day is celebrated on December 8, in Greece - on May 9, in the UAE, India, Mexico, Pakistan - on May 10.
In Australia and the USA, it is customary to wear a carnation flower in a buttonhole on Mother's Day. And of course, in all corners of the globe, on mother's holiday, parents are presented with fresh flowers, postcards with touching verses and good wishes.
The establishment of a holiday for all mothers in Russia was aimed at strengthening family ties, maintaining the tradition of a careful, caring attitude towards mothers. And although Mother's Day in our country is a young holiday, it has already become popular with people of different ages.