With the New Year approaching, the demand for New Year's paraphernalia is increasing. This means that the risk of buying goods of inadequate quality increases. When choosing balls for the Christmas tree, garlands or firecrackers, you need to be careful so as not to spoil such a wonderful holiday for your family.

The bright lights of New Year's garlands will delight you on the tree or at home, but buying them should be taken seriously. In Russia, garlands are subject to mandatory certification, so if you have the slightest doubt, ask for documents for them. They must also have a certificate that proves that the garlands are fireproof. Garlands imported from other countries may not have certificates. But in this case, they are used outdoors, which the manufacturer must warn about.
The garland box should contain information about the manufacturer, about the product, instructions for use and the power of the product. The instruction usually contains information on the place of use of the lights, on possible malfunctions and their elimination.
The power of the Christmas tree lights should not be higher than 50 watts. This could cause the tree to catch fire. Increasingly, there are LED garlands on sale. They use less energy and are safer.
When purchasing, check all wires to ensure that there are no exposed areas. Ask to turn on the garland, check all the bulbs.
Christmas decorations
Christmas toys are not subject to mandatory quality certification. But a manufacturer who cares about their products can provide them.
Whatever material you choose the balls from, they should not smell. Smelling toys may contain hazardous substances. You don't want to start the new year with a hospital bed and poisoning? Read the label carefully, the plastic balls should not contain phenol or formaldehyde, they have a pungent odor.
Ask the seller to open a box of toys for you, hold a few pieces in your hands. Rub the surface of the ball imperceptibly - the paint should not come off it. The ball should be smooth, without chips or cracks.
What about the New Year without fireworks? But often we buy pyrotechnic products without even thinking that they can be dangerous. Only purchase crackers from specialized stores, not from street vendors. At your request, the store must provide both a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST for them, and a safety certificate.
Pyrotechnics are divided into household and special use. To celebrate the New Year, the first type of pyrotechnics will suit you, because the second type is used only by professionals.
When buying fireworks, check the expiration date. It should be not only on the packaging, but also on the body of the product itself.
Be sure to check if there is an instruction for using this pyrotechnic inside the box. It contains the rules for preparing and launching salute, as well as its disposal after use.