How To Put A Cock In A Ball Of Thread

How To Put A Cock In A Ball Of Thread
How To Put A Cock In A Ball Of Thread

Symbol of the coming year Fire-red Rooster. So why not make it a gift to your loved ones and convey the warmth of your hands and soul with this small craft.

Cockerel in a ball
Cockerel in a ball

balloon, colored paper, PVA glue, threads, beads, balls of thread, tinsel.

1. Inflate the ball, grease it with oil. We pass the thread through a bubble with PVA glue, diluted 1: 2. We wind the thread on a ball, dry it and remove the balloon.

Ball of thread
Ball of thread

2. Take two balls, small and larger. We wrap a thread of a different color around the balls, but not tightly, so that we get colorful balls. This will be the head and body of the cock. Cut out a scallop, beard, beak, eyes from colored paper. You can decorate them with sparkles. We glue everything to a small ball - the head is ready. We glue a wing to a larger ball and a tail made of a feather - this is the body. We glue the head and body. The smart cockerel is ready.

Ball cockerel
Ball cockerel

3. Cut a hole of any shape in a ball of threads. We spread a bunch of decoratively colored flax, spruce branches or tinsel on the bottom of the ball and plant the cockerel. Decorate with ribbons, tinsel, snowflakes. An original gift for a cockerel in a ball is ready!

It is better to sew the cockerel to the ball with several stitches.
