Cats are animals that always suffer from excessive curiosity. Very often they are able to spoil everything around them, and at the same time harm themselves. Christmas tree decorations and New Year's interior items are especially dangerous for animals. If you swallow tinsel or small jewelry, the animal may die.

Of all the decorations, the most threatening to the cat is the Christmas tree. The tree immediately contains what you can eat and what you can cut yourself with. In addition, if you suddenly forget to turn off the garland, then it can cause a fire if the tree falls.
Aside from these factors, the fall of the tree itself is not the most fun thing. After all, all the decorations will break.
In order to protect the tree from the cat, you need not so much strength. It is best to isolate the cat in a separate room away from the tree. After all, whatever cat you have, she will definitely climb to look at the jewelry and touch everything with her paws. If you are lucky, then something will be tasted by the tooth. Therefore, the easiest way is to restrict access to the tree.
The most important thing in this matter is not to forget that the tree and the cat are not compatible things. If all family members clearly understand this, then there will be much less precedents and the danger will be minimal. Sometimes it's enough just to remember the closed door.
If such simple measures cannot be applied, you can go for various wiser tricks.
Pet stores sell special stinkers for cats. They drive the cat away from the unwanted place. They are most often used to wean a cat from an unsuitable place for sharpening its claws. It can be successfully replaced with an onion if you are not repelled by the smell of onions in the room.
You can also place the tree in a place where the cat's access is limited. But this is not at all easy to do. After all, if the tree is slightly larger than average, then it will no longer work to put it on the cabinet.
If you cannot apply a single method, then you will have to exclude all dangerous decorations - rain and tinsel, and replace toys with unbreakable ones. The cat will not eat the tree itself. The tree must be very firmly fixed so that it cannot be easily dropped. For example, it often helps to tie the trunk of a Christmas tree or its stand to the installation site.
Accordingly, another effective method is to make the tree uninteresting for the cat. To do this, remove all loose jewelry and small items. All wires and bulbs need to be tightly wound around the trunk and branches. The less the tree is of interest to the cat, the more likely it is that everyone will remain intact. If the raid cannot be avoided, then possible problems need to be minimized. Choose plastic toys and glowing devices for decoration.