With the onset of warm summer days, the danger of being bitten by a variety of insects increases at times: mosquitoes, ticks, midges, gadflies - everyone is just waiting for the right moment to bite or sting. Not only animals in the forest suffer from bloodsuckers, but also people who seek to relax in nature.

How to behave in nature
To protect yourself and your loved ones from the bites of blood-sucking insects, do not forget about the basic rules of behavior in nature and in the forest. In this case, unpredictable consequences can be avoided.
- when going to the forest for mushrooms or berries, wear tight light-colored clothes with long sleeves, tuck trousers into boots or boots;
- have a headdress, long hair must be braided;
- before going to the forest, you should not use perfumery - most flower smells attract insects as well;
- do not walk on the grass barefoot or in open shoes;
- if insects (wasps, bees, bumblebees) are circling around, you do not need to wave your arms sharply, you need to carefully, without attracting attention, step aside;
- if you have a tendency to allergic reactions, carry antihistamines prescribed by your doctor;
- be sure to use insect repellents. You can find a wide variety of creams, lotions and sprays in pharmacies. You can also use folk remedies. The oil of anise, eucalyptus, and cloves scares off blood-sucking insects well. To do this, apply a drop of oil to the skin.
- if you are planning a picnic, make sure that there are no products on the table, it is better to hide them under mesh domes, which can be purchased in the store;
What if bitten?
Most insects, when bitten, release saliva into the wound, which can cause local irritation on the skin or cause the development of a serious disease: tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, some other diseases, or cause an allergic reaction in the body.
The greatest danger is posed by stinging insect bites, since they can cause Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. When a bee stings, you need to try to remove the sting from the wound as quickly as possible, treat the wound with brilliant green and apply cold. If you know that a person is allergic to bee venom, you need to immediately take antihistamines and rush to the hospital.
When a tick bites, you also need to try to remove it from the wound without damaging it (it is better to contact the emergency room), treat the wound with brilliant green.
Bites of mosquitoes, gadflies and midges cause a lot of inconvenience with severe itching. In these cases, you can use a special ointment to relieve itching, which you can buy at the pharmacy. The skin must be pretreated with antiseptic agents.
If there is no ointment on hand, you can treat the bite site with improvised means. Well relieves severe itching leaf of bird cherry, plantain, mint, dandelion. They need to be rinsed in water, kneaded with your hands until juice appears and applied to the affected area.