July holidays celebrated in Ukraine can be divided into international and professional. Some are celebrated on a certain fixed day, for example, World Architecture Day, Investigator's Day in Ukraine. Others are celebrated on the first, second or other Sunday in July. So, the second Sunday is Fisherman's Day in Ukraine.

Holidays in Ukraine, celebrated on certain days of July
On July 1, people of one of the most creative professions - architects, celebrate their holiday. The holiday is called World Architecture Day. Established in Ukraine in 1995 by presidential decree. Although since 1996, the international holiday is timed to coincide with the International Day of Housing and is celebrated in October, on the first Monday.
Another professional holiday for people of one of the most painstaking and courageous professions is the Investigator's Day in Ukraine. They have to deal with other people's grief and loss every day.
July 2 is International Sports Journalist Day. Sports journalists are people who promote healthy lifestyles and a spirit of fair play. Celebrated since 1924.
July 4 - Day of the forensic expert of Ukraine. Introduced June 10, 2009. The examination consists in the study of materials and the issuance of expert opinions, on the basis of which the circumstances of the case are established. Specialists-experts have knowledge in many fields of science and technology.
July 12 is the Day of the Photographer.
According to legend, Saint Veronica gave a piece of canvas to Jesus, who was going to be executed. On this piece of cloth, the image of Christ is imprinted forever. The Pope, 2000 years later, declared St. Veronica's Day as World Photographer's Day.
On July 16, one of the most popular professional holidays is celebrated - Accountant's Day in Ukraine. Celebrated since 2004 in recognition of accountants' merits in making successful management decisions.
On July 17, the birthday of the famous traveler N. N. Miklouho-Maclay, Ethnographer Day is celebrated. On this day, initiations of neophytes are usually held, people who first went on ethnographers expeditions.
July 20 - International Chess Day. The holiday has been held since 1924 by the decision of the World Chess Association.
July 26 - Day of the parachutist. Not officially approved, but widely celebrated in the circle of adherents. The date is timed to coincide with the first parachute jumps in July 1930 near Voronezh.
On July 28, PR people celebrate the holiday, whose work was recognized at the official level. Formation of the image, promotion of the interests of a company or individual, contacts with the media in modern business and politics are in demand.
Holidays celebrated on weekends in July
The Day of Cooperation is celebrated on the first Saturday in July. The holiday was established in 1992 by the UN General Assembly.
Two professional holidays fall on the first Sunday in July. Day of the Air Defense Forces of Ukraine and the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet. Air Defense Forces are indispensable in ensuring the country's defense capability. The holiday has been celebrated since 1992. Since 2008, by presidential decree, the Day of River and Sea Fleet Workers and the Day of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been approved. Abbreviated - Day of the fleet.
The second Sunday in July is the Day of the Fisherman of Ukraine, Fishery Workers. It has been celebrated in Ukraine since 1995.
The Day of Metallurgists of Ukraine is widely celebrated in the industrial regions of Ukraine on the third Sunday of July. With fireworks and festivities, fairs and concerts in cities where metallurgical plants operate.
The importance of system administrators in every firm or enterprise is enormous, therefore, since 2000, the professional holiday of system administrators has been celebrated.
The main thing is to give the sysadmins a cup or mouse on this day and assure them of your selfless love for them. Then until the next holiday you can work on your office computer in peace.
On the last Sunday of July, workers of trade and public catering of Ukraine celebrate the holiday. It is on them that sometimes our good mood and appetite depend. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate them, please with a kind word.