July 12 is an eventful date. On this day, the name day is celebrated by Peter, Pavel and Gregory, and the City Day is celebrated in Tarusa and Kaliningrad. Also on the 12th, there are a number of international and religious holidays.

Step 1
On July 12, Russia celebrates the Day of St. Veronica - the patroness of photography. According to legend, Veronica gave a piece of cloth to Jesus going to Calvary so that he could wipe the sweat from his face. After that, the face of Christ remained on the patch. Almost 2000 years later, the Pope declared this day World Photographer's Day. Another reason to celebrate this holiday on July 12th is the fact that George Eastman, the founder of Kodak, was born on this day and helped spread photography worldwide.
Step 2
The Orthodox Church celebrates on the 12th one of the most significant religious holidays - the Day of the Glorious and All-Praised First Apostles Peter and Paul, with which Peter Lent ends. The Apostle Peter is known as the closest disciple of Christ. He became famous for many miraculous healings and the resurrection of Tabitha from the dead. In 57, he was sentenced by the Romans to death by crucifixion and asked to nail him upside down, as he believed that he was not worthy of being like Jesus. The Apostle Paul was originally a persecutor of Christians, but after he was suddenly blinded and healed by one of Christ's disciples, he himself began to preach. He died a martyr under the emperor Nero.
Step 3
World Day of the Civil Aviation Flight Attendant - this professional holiday also falls on July 12. The profession originated in Germany over 80 years ago. Initially, stewards were involved in ensuring safety on board aircraft, but later more and more women began to be involved in work: the flight attendants weighed less, which was important in those days. Flight attendants should do everything to make passengers feel as comfortable as possible during the flight.
Step 4
A very important ecological holiday is celebrated on the 12th in the Scandinavian countries - Fjord Day. It was established back in 1991 in connection with the need to attract public attention to environmental problems. Fjords are small bays with covered rocky shores that are ubiquitous in Denmark, Western Norway, and Sweden. This is a visiting card of the Scandinavian countries and a real miracle of nature.
Step 5
In 2014, the 12th annual festival of folk crafts "Vyatskiy bast" falls on the 12th, which has been taking place in the Kirov region for the fifth year already. In the 19th century, Vyatka bast shoes and other local bast shoes were highly valued and in great demand throughout the country. The festival, accompanied by folk festivities, songs and workshops, aims to popularize handicrafts and attract more tourists to the region.