The Orthodox calendar for July 2019 is full of events. Most of which are the days of the memory of the holy martyrs and the honoring of icons. This month, believers also keep Peter's fast.

Holidays in honor of icons
The days of veneration of icons in the Orthodox calendar have a constant date. In July 2019, believers are honoring several icons. So, on July 6, there is a celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. It was on this day in 1480 that the icon saved Moscow from the invasion of the Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat. Since then, this icon is considered the Guardian of the Russian Land.

On July 9, Orthodox believers honor the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. She is considered the patroness of the North-West of Russia. The icon was revealed in 1383 in Tikhvin. It began to be considered a national shrine after the miraculous rescue of the Tikhvin monastery from the treacherous invasion of the Swedes in 1613.

On July 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God in Kazan, which is one of the most revered. The history of the holiday goes back to the 16th century, at the end of which there was a fire in Kazan. The city was badly burned out, many residents lost a roof over their heads. Among them was Matryona Onuchina. The Mother of God appeared to her in a dream and pointed to the place underground where her icon was hidden. The shrine was found and sent to the Annunciation Cathedral - the first Orthodox church in Kazan. During the solemn procession, two blind people touched the relic and received their sight.
In the folk calendar, this holiday is called "Kazan Summer". On this day, one should not start quarrels and grieve.

On July 22, Orthodox Christians glorify two icons of the Mother of God at once: Kolochskaya and Cyprus. And on July 23, the Church honors the Konevskaya icon of the Mother of God.
The Nativity of John the Baptist
On July 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist - the most revered saint after the Virgin Mary. He is also called John the Baptist, because he baptized the Savior.

This Orthodox holiday is intransient, that is, it does not depend on the date of Easter. On this day, believers remember how the prophet was born, who would later predict the coming of Jesus Christ and will baptize him in the waters of the Jordan River.
On this day, it is customary to visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead.
Memorial Day of the glorious and all-glorious first-supreme apostles Peter and Paul
It is popularly known as Peter's day. The holiday is also intransient. It is celebrated annually on July 12th. The holiday is considered one of the 18 most important in Christianity. This means that a solemn service is held on this day.
According to church tradition, the Apostles Paul and Peter accepted holy martyrdom on one day - July 12, according to the new style. Also, this holiday is considered "theirs" by fishermen, since the Apostle Peter is known as the patron saint of fishing.

On the same day, the Petrovsky post ends. It is installed in memory of the fact that the apostles limited themselves, preparing for the preaching of the Gospel. Its duration depends on the date of the Trinity. He's a week later. So, in 2019, Orthodox Christians are fasting from June 24 to July 11. He is not as strict as the Great One. In Peter's Lent, believers abstain only from eating meat and dairy products, and on Wednesdays and Fridays also from fish.
According to popular beliefs, this church holiday marks the "high point" of summer and the full flowering of natural forces. On Peter's day, it is not customary to do household chores.