You dress up a Christmas tree, buy champagne, tangerines and cook Olivier … In the evening guests come, then you go to friends, to others, listen to the president at someone's house, then a hymn, a couple more glasses of champagne, then fireworks, dancing with the whole company in the city squares, jumping into the snow and the night with a face in a salad again at someone's house …

Step 1
In fact, the New Year is associated not only with booze, partying and fireworks. It is not at all necessary to drink champagne and eat tangerines. You can cook some Hawaiian dish instead of Olivier, and dress up a houseplant instead of a Christmas tree. But you must admit that if you want to have fun at the glory, then the effort should be spent accordingly. Therefore, start preparing for the holiday in advance. Plan where you will go and with whom, how many guests you will host, what treats you will prepare, and how much fun you will have in general. Nothing should be spontaneous. More precisely, some frenzy on New Year's Eve will not hurt, but the general program should be clear.
Step 2
Don't drink too much. It is clear that for most of our fellow citizens this is useless advice, but it is better to drink a little to make the fun easier, than to get drunk until you lose your feelings and remember for another week what, with whom and when. So you will have less money, your friends will not scatter, and you will not need to look for them in the snow on January 1st. While drunk, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics cannot be launched, and not so much because the uncle forbade it, but because it is dangerous to life and health.
Step 3
If possible, stay out of the crowd. Of course, the New Year's crowd is not the raging revolutionary masses, but even here you are in danger. If something happens to you, no one will notice, and if someone pays attention and tries to help, it is unlikely that he will be able to get to you. Stick to more or less open areas, stick to your friends, then New Year's Eve will not end for you at the emergency room.
Step 4
Finally, do not get involved in adventures that your friends, more reckless than you, may come up with. Jumping off the wall into the snow is not. Diving into the hole is not. And you better save them from such adventures. After all, after hard working days, a whole week of holidays is the best reason to blow the roof off. But if the roof is blown away thoroughly in a figurative sense, then this figurative meaning threatens to grow into a literal meaning. Therefore, be careful.