There are only a few days left until the chimes herald the beginning of the new year. And, therefore, it's time to think about the main attribute of the future holiday - a beautiful Christmas tree. The choice of a fluffy live tree should be approached very carefully. After all, the holiday should be perfect.

Step 1
Decide what size tree you need. Decide on its height and dimensions. Be sure to choose a place where the forest guest will stand, decorating the interior, and not blocking the TV screen and without interfering with the opening of the cabinet doors.
Step 2
Go to the Christmas tree market and start choosing a tree. Having looked at the tree, take it in your hands and, holding it vertically, knock (you can imagine yourself as Santa Claus with a staff) with the trunk on the ground. From a fresh tree, only snow and, possibly, a little debris will fall. But from the tree, felled long ago or frostbitten, already dried up needles will rain down in a hail. Alas, such a tree threatens to disappoint you and your guests.
Step 3
Take a closer look at the spruce needles. It must be bright green. If such a needle is rubbed between the fingers, then they will become oily and acquire a very strong coniferous aroma.
Step 4
Now try bending the paw of your chosen spruce. It should bend easily, be elastic, quickly return to its original position. A branch of a tree felled one and a half to two weeks ago will break with a dry crack. By purchasing such a spruce, you risk that all of its fluffiness will be lost even before New Year's Eve.
Step 5
Examine the trunk (and especially its cut) of the forest guest. There should be no mold, no fungi, no darkening, no rot on it. In addition, the thickness of the trunk also matters. It should be at least 6 cm, and the weight of an average tree should be at least 5-7 kg.
Step 6
Bring the tree home. So that it does not suffer during transportation, first wrap the tree, for example, with burlap or film, tie it with ropes.
Step 7
Don't rush to decorate the tree. Give it at least a few hours to "move away" from the frost and fluff.