A beautiful green tree is the main attribute of the New Year holidays. Despite the huge selection of artificial analogs, many people prefer to buy live spruce, because nothing immerses you in a festive atmosphere like the smell of fresh needles. In order for a living tree to stand as long as possible and not crumble ahead of time, several important factors should be taken into account when choosing it.

Step 1
A few weeks before the holidays, the market is replete with beautiful fluffy trees, but a few days before the New Year it will be quite difficult to find such a “beauty” and there is a possibility that you will have to choose from what is left. To prevent this from happening, it is better to purchase a Christmas tree in advance, but on condition that you have some cold room (for example, a garage or balcony) where you can store the Christmas tree. In a warm apartment with central heating, the tree will quickly dry out and crumble.
Step 2
When choosing a lively Christmas tree, you must take into account the size of the room where it will stand. The tree should not clutter up the entire free space of the room, interfering with the movement of residents.
Step 3
When choosing a live spruce, pay special attention to the trunk, if juice appears on it, it means that it was recently cut. If needles fall from the tree when the trunk hits the ground, then you can safely put such a tree back - it will definitely not stand for a long time. Be sure to inspect the tree trunk for mold and mildew.
Step 4
As a rule, a felled spruce must be at least 8 years old; when this age is reached, a healthy tree weighs about 5-7 kilograms, and the base of the trunk is at least 6 centimeters. A too thin trunk usually indicates a sickly and weakened state of the spruce.
Step 5
In fresh spruce, the needles have a rich dark green color. If you lightly rub the needles with your fingers in a freshly cut tree, you can feel a slight oiliness on the skin and feel a fragrant coniferous aroma. If there is no smell, and the needles are pale and dry to the touch, then the spruce is most likely frostbitten.
Step 6
A fresh tree has soft and elastic needles, which are difficult to break off, while in a dry tree they are very brittle and crumble even from a light touch of the branches.
Step 7
It is better to wrap the purchased Christmas tree with burlap and tie it with a rope, so as not to break off the branches near the tree during transportation. Carry the tree home with the top back to avoid damage to the lower branches.