New Year's without a tree is like winter without snow - it's sad, and that's all. The green beauty is an invariable attribute of the most important holiday of the year. On the eve of New Year's Eve, she cheerfully winks with colorful lights, gives an atmosphere of magic and fairy tales. Live green spruce or snow-white pine with LEDs - the choice is yours. The main thing is that it is correct and pleases you and your loved ones. A beautiful tree is not a purchase made on the run in the pre-holiday chores. This jewelery is uplifting, pleasing to the eye and safe in all respects.

Step 1
Decide on the financial capabilities of your family. What a waste you can afford, modest or "slightly" indecent. The offered assortment of Christmas trees can easily confuse you, because such a purchase is made once every five or more years, if the green beauty is artificial, not real. Your choice will directly depend on the price. Do not take with you much more than what you intend to spend.
Step 2
Think about where you will place the tree. In the hall, in a small room, in the nursery, in the dining room. Does the room allow the use of tall spruce in the interior, for example, 310 cm or more? If not, then decide which height suits you. Perhaps you can get by with a small fluffy pine tree 160 cm or a table forest beauty with a height of up to 60 cm.
Step 3
Choose a model that includes a Christmas tree stand. Buying this part separately is problematic, you can not guess with the diameter of the base and fasteners. It is desirable that the stand is collapsible, with four points of support, made of metal. Plastic "tripods" are permissible for low spruce trees.
Step 4
Pay attention to the needles of spruce or pine. What material is it made of, whether it will be easy to fluff it up, whether it is lush enough. Of course, the appearance depends on the chosen model. Spruce has ordinary or traditional needles of medium length, not lush, slightly crumpled. A highlight in such models are specially made burnouts, attached cones or berries. Pine is characterized by voluminous needles, lush, decorated with frost, LEDs or fiber.
Step 5
Check the quality of the prefabricated parts of the green beauty. What are the attachment points made of. If they are plastic, then be prepared for the fact that soon from the constant manipulation of straightening and bending the branches, the plastic may simply break. Opt for a metal frame. A pine model, for example, can consist of two parts with branches already attached, or it can be completely composite: a trunk of two or more parts, depending on the height, and each branch with separate fasteners. This option is more compact, takes up less space, but, as a rule, is more expensive than classic models.
Step 6
In the case when you purchase a real spruce or pine, pay attention to the following aspects. Check if the tree was felled a long time ago to guess when the needles will begin to crumble. If the trunk has a distinct dark rim, it is likely that the tree has been cut for a long time. Choose a straight barrel, without kinks or notches. The branches should be flexible, when rubbing the needles with your palm, you should smell the fresh scent of the resin and feel the sticky oily substance on your hand. Thus, by following these tips, you can get a good Christmas tree that will delight you on the eve of the holiday.