The correct choice of live spruce for the New Year is still half the battle so that the tree delights the eye for a long time with its beautiful appearance, it is important to correctly install it, while carrying out a number of preparatory measures.

Step 1
If the tree was purchased long before the New Year holidays, then before the onset of the festive celebration it should be stored in the cold (for example, on the balcony). If the tree was bought directly on New Year's Eve, then you should not immediately bring it into a well-heated room - the spruce can get sick from temperature fluctuations and quickly die. In order to avoid a sharp temperature drop, it is better to first hold the tree in the entrance for 15-20 minutes, only after that you can bring it into the apartment.
Step 2
Before installing the spruce, the tree trunk must first be planed with a sharp knife, clearing it from the bark by about 8-10 centimeters. If you are going to cut the crown off the tree, then the place of the cut should be immediately treated with Vishnevsky's ointment.
Step 3
The ideal setting for a Christmas tree is a bucket of wet sand. To do this, add a liter of clean water to a bucket of sand, previously diluted with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin. Another effective way to prevent table decay is to dilute 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. For best results, you can add a small amount of a special fertilizer mixture available at any flower shop to the sand bucket. The tree should be installed in a bucket in such a way that the trunk is hidden by at least 15-20 centimeters. The sand must be constantly moistened once every two days.
Step 4
You can also put the Christmas tree in a container filled with water. At the time of installation, the liquid must be warm and acidic, which can be achieved by adding a small amount of citric or acetic acid. If necessary, the acid can be replaced with a couple of regular instant aspirin tablets.
Step 5
The simplest, but far from the most effective method of installing a Christmas tree is wrapping the trunk with a wet woolen cloth, which should be moistened in water from time to time, since moisture evaporates quickly in a warm room. In this case, the tree itself must be fixed on a cross stand.
Step 6
In order for the New Year tree to retain its original appearance for a long time, the branches of the tree must be periodically irrigated with water from a spray bottle.
Step 7
The tree should be installed away from radiators and other heat sources in a well-ventilated area, since the hot, dry climate is detrimental to the tree.