You can write a letter to Santa Claus in one of several ways. For example, use the services of regular mail and send a message in an envelope or write a letter on the official website.

Step 1
It is not at all difficult to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly. To do this, just close your eyes, imagine that you are in your favorite place or a magical world. Believe in magic and make a wish. After that, you can start writing the message.
Step 2
To write a letter to Santa Claus via mail, you will need a blank envelope, a sheet of paper, pens and postage stamps. Start your letter with a greeting and write: "Hello Santa Claus" or "Dear Santa Claus." What is your name and surname, tell us what city you are from, how old you are. Share with Grandpa your most cherished dreams, think about what you would most like to receive for the New Year. Do not start the letter with your wishes, please Santa Claus, thank him for all the good things that happened to you, share a funny story, you can ask how he is doing. At the end of the letter, wish him a Happy New Year, wish him something.
Step 3
On the envelope, indicate the address of Father Frost: 162390, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost's House and your address. Glue the stamps, put the letter in an envelope and seal it.
Step 4
Go with your parents to the nearest post office and send your letter or drop it into any blue box of the Russian Post, usually located on the street.
Step 5
You can send a letter to Grandfather Frost using the official website. To do this, go to it, carefully read the instructions and write a letter. You can attach any of your drawing or picture to the message. Then click on the button "Discuss with Santa Claus's Assistant". After that, within 5 days you will receive magical questions and answers from the Helper of Santa Claus. They will help you write a real letter for Santa Claus, which will bring you closer to expecting a miracle and fulfilling your cherished desires.
Step 6
When writing a letter on the site, use the advice and tips of the Helper of Santa Claus. He will help to supplement it and, if necessary, correct the shortcomings. As soon as the letter is ready, click on the "Send to Santa Claus" button.
Step 7
After you've sent your email, keep believing in miracles and the magic is bound to happen. The main thing is to believe that wishes made from a pure heart will certainly come true.
Step 8
If you have any questions in the process, feel free to ask your parents or grandparents. They will be happy to help you.