If you are planning to celebrate the New Year together with your beloved man, then everything must be done to make the holiday fun and exciting. The desire to spend a festive night together should be mutual, and it is better to share the worries of preparing for the celebration for two.

Step 1
Decorate your home. In addition to symbolic and traditional decorations in the form of spruce branches, a Christmas tree and tinsel, make sure that the room where the festive table will be located is romantic and intimate. Lots of candles, cozy textiles, a small floral arrangement in the center of the table, beautiful napkins, etc.
Step 2
Prepare gifts. These may be very insignificant little things, but you need to present them with heart - be sure to pack your present, decorate the box with a bow and attach a small postcard (you can also make a homemade one).
Step 3
Think over the menu. You should not arrange a marathon of eating a large number of delicious dishes from New Year's Eve - pay attention to recipes containing natural aphrodisiacs (mushrooms, avocados, caviar, etc.). A bottle of good wine and a light fruit dessert round off the festive dinner.
Step 4
Be sure to tidy yourself up. Your skin, hair and body should be perfect - a week before the holiday, start making miraculous masks, visit a beautician, hairdresser, buy new sexy lingerie and carefully consider a romantic look. Do not get carried away with applying cosmetics, as your image should be as close to natural as possible, but clothes should be light and not layered.
Step 5
Play a little. Spending time in front of the TV is the lot of people who are lonely, boring and disinterested. Therefore, prepare something loving-romantic-exciting - a game of desire, searching for gifts with the obligatory completion of the task at each stage, role-playing games, etc. The main condition is that your partner must support you, so choose a way of entertainment that will appeal to both.
Step 6
Arrange a home photo session. Prepare several costumes and try on the looks one by one - such an action must be captured for a family collection. You can prepare video congratulations in advance and combine their viewing with the presentation of a gift.
Step 7
Make wishes. Prepare a few pieces of paper - on them you write everything that you want to achieve in the coming year. Do not show each other your notes, roll them up and hide them in a bottle of champagne - next New Year you can get them out and analyze.