The icon in the Orthodox tradition is of great importance. Since ancient times, she served as a talisman and helper in many matters. People resort to it during prayer, it is used as protection for the home and the person. The icon, presented to a married couple, is designed to become a guardian of their family happiness and a helper in difficult moments of life.

The icon usually represents the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, scenes from the Holy Scriptures or the lives of saints and their faces. Each image has its own symbolic meaning and can be designed for special occasions and life situations. Family and marriage also have their own patron saints, so the icon depicting such holy spouses will be the best wedding gift for a married couple.
Icons depicting the holy spouses
Married couples who carried through life fidelity, devotion, humility and service to each other and to God, after death, were canonized, that is, canonized. They are considered the keepers of a happy marriage. The most famous among them are Saints Peter and Fevronya of Murom. They are considered models of godly family life and have become examples of true Christian love and faithfulness. Therefore, it is to them that they pray for the gift of a happy family life.
The Day of Remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - 8 July - began to be officially celebrated in Russia as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
Another example of conjugal devotion and faith are the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, who were among the first Christians to suffer for the faith. But it was faith and love that helped them withstand all trials and not renounce Christianity and each other. They are asked for good family relations.
The holy righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, are considered the symbol of the sacrament of marriage and God's miraculous providence. The icon with their image can be a good wish of family happiness to young spouses.
To present such icons for a wedding means to wish the spouses to always be needed by each other and to be near both in difficult and in joyful times.
Images of the Most Holy Theotokos
The image of the Most Holy Theotokos is most often addressed with prayers for marital happiness, for help in family matters and requests for the gift of children. And on the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is customary to pray for family well-being.
Any icon depicting the Virgin Mary will become a reliable family amulet. But it is to the image of the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God that they turn with prayers for family happiness, the birth of children and help in childbirth. She is considered miraculous.
Alexander Nevsky was blessed for marriage with the miraculous icon of Theodorovskaya Mother of God.
When choosing an icon for a wedding gift, you should take into account what wishes and instructions you would like to convey to the newly-made spouses, as well as find out which symbol is fraught with this or that image. And then, perhaps, this very image will become the key to marital happiness and a family heirloom.