Summer is the best part of the year, it is during it that many are given vacations, children go on vacation, in general, everyone has a rest. And, it would seem, everything is fine, we get high, but only because of the unreal heat in some regions and the lack of particularly interesting activities, it becomes insanely boring, and every day is lived in the same way as the previous one. Life, so to speak, passes by. But this can be avoided, you just need to know what you can do and take action. So what to do in the summer?

There are a lot of things to do here. We will start with relaxing on the beach, because summer without a river, sea and coastal sand is simply not summer. In general, we take a towel, put on a beach suit and go ahead - to conquer the water element (morning and evening are best for "swimming", since there is little sun at this time). By the way, those who are too lazy to go to the river or the sea, and also those who simply do not have them nearby, can go to the pool, it is even better there.
Consider also the option of work, since, again, time must be spent usefully, and what can bring it more than a part-time job for the summer holidays? Yes, you will have to invest your efforts first in finding a suitable vacancy, and then in fulfilling your duties, but it's worth it (money is not superfluous). Young people, for example, are now easily hired to work as waiters, merchandisers and sales assistants. If you want to work from home, i.e. remotely, then you can rummage on the Internet, go to popular sites and see what vacancies they have - maybe something will suit you. Well, if not, then you should open the column "required" in any of the local newspapers - there will certainly need all sorts of operators, consultants and so on.
By the way, you can do self-development - learn something about constellations, cars, cooking; sign up for any special training courses (for example, there are directions, again, photographers, artists, "pickup artists", interior designers, where people make their own sketches of the premises - you just need to choose something to your liking), in the summer they open simply heaps.
In the summer, you should do some kind of sport, and it doesn't matter which one - it can be as ordinary fitness training (basic pull-ups and push-ups from the floor), jogging, cycling, and playing tennis, basketball or football. Of course, you can try extreme activities. For example, fly with a water pack, jump from a bungee or from an airplane, attaching an instructor and a parachute. Instead of staying at home, we also recommend taking a walk, going to the cinema, karaoke, water park; go shopping (you can just try on clothes in stores without buying anything), play bowling, billiards; visit any entertainment facility, be it a club or even a cafe, and meet someone there - it's summer after all. Those who like to relax alone can go to the countryside, having a picnic there, fishing or just sunbathing, or visit a sanatorium, a recreation center.
Those who still don’t know what to do in the summer can go looking for a hobby. Some, for example, draw, sew, play chess, cards, learn tricks, and even create groups on social networks. Everyone chooses according to their inclinations, interests, so here we can only advise you to do what you most want, what you have dreamed of for a long time, but everyone did not dare to start due to lack of time. If nothing comes to mind, then just experiment with your style, get a new hairstyle, chat with people on chat roulette, try exotic fruits. Anything.
Adults who have children 13, 14 years old and younger, and it does not matter girls or boys, can send their offspring to the camp, arranging them and themselves a good, memorable vacation. Consider, and they will have a rest from you, they will have time to get bored, and you can spend your free time only on yourself.
Continuing the list about what else people usually do in the summer, you can write volunteering, trips to the country for plowing the land or harvesting; participation in all kinds of flash mobs, concerts; trips on excursions, even in your own city, in order to learn something new about monuments, museums; to other cities or abroad (if you want to go somewhere, but do not know where, then just take the first last minute deals you like and go in pursuit of adventure). By the way, you can make it even easier by taking your backpack with clothes and food, renting a bicycle for a couple of days and going somewhere far away from everyday life with your like-minded people.
In general, we advise you how to have fun in the summer, and so that you will remember it for a long time! Then there will be something to write in his essay "how I spent the summer", and it is desirable to make it so that the main phrase in the entire text was "unrestrained fun." Be bold and do what no one expects of you.