The same cherished day that you have been waiting for is approaching. So many worries and it seems that there is not enough time. And now - the home stretch. It would seem that there is little to do - to decorate the room. However, on the one hand, the choice of jewelry is too large, on the other hand, all jewelry seems too commonplace. But I really wanted to do something special, not at all like everyone else's.

Step 1
What to decorate with depends primarily on the room in which the celebration will take place. If you are planning a wedding in a small restaurant or cafe, then there should not be a lot of decorations. Maximum - a couple of compositions of flowers or balls and drapery on the windows. Flowers presented by guests will complement the interior. This will be more than enough.
Step 2
It is a completely different matter if you plan to celebrate the celebration with the crowd of guests in the huge restaurant hall. In this case, it is necessary, firstly, to organize the center of the interior. This can be a table with a wedding cake, a fountain, an ice sculpture or other massive structure. You can complement the decor with balls, flower arrangements, candles, fabric drapery.
Step 3
All of the above is relevant if a wedding is planned in the classical sense. It is also possible to arrange a themed wedding. For example, "a la Europe of the thirties." Then the interior itself will become a decoration, which, of course, will have to correspond to the declared theme.
Step 4
Apartment weddings should be noted separately. A house or apartment can be decorated with both standard attributes (balloons, flowers, fabric), and cozy romantic home trifles - your photos, where you are still children, or gifts that you gave each other as you were in love.
Step 5
However, the greatest scope for creativity is provided by the option of a wedding in nature. Here you can afford a carriage with horses, swans with a mini-lake, a gazebo with pigeons, and even mimes and ballerinas. By the way, if you prefer an unconventional approach, then a small stage, where elements of an art show will be shown during the celebration, can become an excellent decor element. It all depends on your imagination and budget, of course.