When The Day Of The Motorist Is Celebrated

When The Day Of The Motorist Is Celebrated
When The Day Of The Motorist Is Celebrated

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Today you cannot argue with the relevance of this phrase, but several decades ago everything was exactly the opposite.

When the day of the motorist is celebrated
When the day of the motorist is celebrated

Four Wheels Festival

The modern rhythm of life has put behind the wheel not only men of all ages and classes, but also women. At the age of 18, every third resident of Russia seeks to obtain a driver's license, popularly referred to as rights. Statistics proves once again that the car has an important place in real life. That is why every last Sunday in October in Russia is celebrated the day of the motorist.

But this day is celebrated not only by professional drivers and wheel lovers. It is also a professional holiday for all workers of the transport department, which include repairmen, auto engineers, as well as all those who, by virtue of their specialty, are associated with cars.

In 2014, the day of the motorist falls on October 27. It is on this day that you can congratulate all those who cannot imagine life without a 4-wheeled friend. Actual gifts are all kinds of accessories for the iron horse - car pillows, cosmetics and shampoos, interior fragrances, video recorders and much more. This holiday is celebrated in Russia in different ways.

However, during the celebration of the day of the motorist, you should not get carried away with strong alcoholic beverages, because alcohol and a car are not compatible things!

history of the holiday

The beginning of the holiday was laid in 1980, when on October 1 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On festive and memorable days."

It was according to this document that the date of celebration of the day of the motorist (then he was better known as the driver's day) was set for the last Sunday in October.

In the 80s, many republics were part of the USSR, which celebrated this holiday on one day. After perestroika, the situation changed slightly and some former subjects of the Union moved the day of the motorist to other dates. Today, together with modern Russia, the holiday is celebrated by Belarus and Ukraine. However, if in Russia this day is given only to drivers, in the post-Soviet republics, on the last Sunday of October, the Road Worker's Day is also celebrated (in Russia, this professional holiday is celebrated on the third Sunday in October).

There is another similar holiday. In memory of the drivers of the Great Patriotic War, who risked their lives every day, delivering the necessary food and transporting the wounded, the day of the military driver is celebrated on May 29. Also on this day it is customary to honor those who still work in hot spots in military vehicles.
