When And How Is International Hug Day Celebrated

When And How Is International Hug Day Celebrated
When And How Is International Hug Day Celebrated

There are many ways to do good. A good reason for this was the new holidays that have come to our country over the past few decades from abroad.

Used photo from the site MorgueFile
Used photo from the site MorgueFile

In the late 70s of the last century, medical students and psychologists from Europe created the tradition of hugging others just like that, for no reason. Since that time, the warmth of the human body, which people give to each other without intimate overtones, has formed the basis of an international holiday.

Americans celebrated the first day of hugs

Americans held their first such holiday on January 21, 1986 and called it National Hug Day. The new cultural tradition quickly spread to all countries of the world, and soon all benevolent people on Earth began to celebrate International Hug Day on December 4th.

Today there are two Hug Days. Both holidays give a good reason to please others with their warmth, to convey a particle of optimism to the people who are nearby, and to completely unfamiliar passers-by.

Scientists talk about the unconditional benefits of good touching people to each other. A person's mood rises, well-being improves, and even immunity is strengthened.

All this happens under the influence on the nervous system of the hormone oxytocin, which is produced during hugs. It is no coincidence that lovers are less likely to get sick and feel better than someone who does not experience this feeling.

How to celebrate Hug Day

On this bright day, it is imperative to hug as many people as possible and say a few kind words to them. If you are shy, please your friends and loved ones with your warmth, even this will improve the mood of many, not to mention yourself.

For sociable people, this is a good reason to arrange a holiday, gathering a large number of acquaintances and strangers under one roof. Hugging everyone can create a positive attitude for many days to come.

Young people all over the world arrange flash mobs on Hug Day. They go out into the streets and wish well for random passers-by. Surprised residents of megalopolises are beginning to get used to the initiative of young people. Such actions evoke a lot of positive emotions and are remembered by the participants for a long time.

The day of hugs came to Russia from the West, but organically blended into Russian culture. To multiply a good mood, dissolve grievances and start trusting strangers and relatives a little more - this is the goal that was once set by European students.

But true values have no nationality. That is why the International Hug Day will continue to exist for a very long time, uniting many kind people around the world.
