On April 27, 2011, the UN General Assembly decided to hold a holiday in honor of friendship. This day was set for July 30th. The purpose of this holiday is to attract people to social activities, as well as respectful perception of the cultures of different countries of the world.

The idea of a celebration of friendship belongs to South America. At the beginning of the 20th century, tourists visiting Latin America told about a very interesting custom, according to which there is a certain day of meeting with friends. In the 50s, in Paraguay, people began to celebrate this holiday on April 30th. Every year this custom gained popularity, and in 2011 it was named the official Friendship Day and was postponed to July 30.
Countries celebrate this day in accordance with their cultural traditions. In Russia, on Friendship Day, various events are held dedicated to friendship between nations. Tribunes are exhibited in the squares of the city, where young actors and students of theater schools perform. They talk about the cultural traditions of different countries, act out scenes. Also on this holiday, the organizers hold various competitions among the citizens of the country.
On July 30, Russians can see a concert program dedicated to friendship. And also take part in sports competitions. The most friendly and close-knit teams receive prizes. In honor of Friendship Day, dance battles are held in some cities. The organizers of the holiday did not forget about the children. On this day, children will find various games, animators, balloons and attractions.
Some theaters on this official holiday include performances dedicated to friendship. For example, young viewers on this day can watch the play "Birthday of Leopold the Cat".
Russians prefer to celebrate this holiday with friends. If the weather permits, you can get out into nature. To have a fun and unforgettable time, organize various contests among your close friends. And, of course, do not forget about gifts, because even a small souvenir will delight your friend very much!