April 22 is Earth Day, an international holiday. This time can be devoted to both celebration and fun, as well as deciding what you can do for the environment.

Short story
For the first time, Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 twice: March 21 and April 22. The event was organized by John McConnell and US Senator Gaylord Nelson.
Over time, the holiday has become more popular. In 1992, an environmental summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. The conference, organized by the UN, was held from June 3 to June 14.
By this time, millions of people around the world recognized and began to celebrate this holiday. Earth Day is dedicated to nature, discussing environmental issues, exploring the possibilities of saving the planet from the harmful effects of people, conveying a message to the world that the planet should be taken care of.
What should be devoted to Earth Day
Think about how you live. Do the decisions you make fit your lifestyle? And if not, what can be done to make it happen? It is in your power to help the environment. There are many ways to do this. What should be paid attention to next year? What are some of your strengths that you can use to get others to be more attentive to nature?
If you are a leader by nature, you can become that very lever that will motivate others to take action. Or you can lead by setting a good example.
What questions do you know the least about? Learn about the most pressing environmental issues and focus your efforts on solving them. Dedicate this day to decisions that will impact the entire next year. Another way to celebrate Earth Day is to have fun, chat, and party.
Where Earth Day is celebrated
Earth Day celebrations are held in many countries around the world: USA, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Australia, Mongolia, Philippines, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and Uzbekistan.
In many large cities, the celebration is not limited to one day, but stretches over a week. Earth Week usually runs from April 16 to April 22.