A leap year is called a year in which there are 366 days. With such a year, there are many bad folk signs and negative superstitions. 2020 will be a leap year for the white metal Rat. What should be given up at this time in order not to face problems and troubles?

Some superstitious people believe that Kasyanov Day - February 29 - is the most stressful, dangerous and negative day of any leap year. However, a much more popular point of view is that the entire leap year is associated with negativity, problems, illness and death. All 12 months are saturated with destructive energy.
Leap year 2020 may seem even more difficult and unbearable than previous similar years, when there were 29 days in February. This is due, firstly, to the element of metal, which will have an impact in 2020. Metal is associated with coldness, destruction and aggression. Secondly, the white Rat - the animal that protects the year - is prone to mood swings. Her activity can add problems and complications.
During the whole leap year, it is recommended to be extremely careful, attentive and accurate. Focus, concentration, and a sensible approach will help reduce the likelihood of destructive events. Although it will still not be possible to fully protect the white metal Rat from sudden circumstances in a leap year. It is necessary to prepare mentally in advance that any plans and undertakings are not implemented, that the decisions made will entail problems and difficulties.
Since there are many superstitions and signs associated with any leap year, there is a list of things that cannot be done at such a time.
What is forbidden to do in a leap year
Despite the gloomy halo that surrounds the leap year, it is best not to set yourself up for bad things in advance. If you celebrate the New Year of the white metal Rat in a bad mood, with dark thoughts, then the hostess of 2020 will be offended. And then problems will surely sprinkle as if from a cornucopia on the very first day of the new year. You need to try to reasonably assess all the risks and probabilities, tune in to the maximum for a positive wave and not focus in advance on any possible problems.
In a leap year, it is not recommended to move from one apartment to another, or change permanent residence, choose another city or country. Folk omens say that in this case, the new life will turn out sadly, it will be filled with annoying grief and minor troubles. You cannot go on a long or long journey in a leap year 2020. The trip will not bring pleasant emotions, it will be accompanied by problems and conflicts.
It is strictly not recommended to change jobs, professions, hobbies with the onset of a leap year. It is believed that any undertakings during such a period will not lead to success. Large monetary losses are likely. You cannot open your own business in leap year 2020, actively engage in business.
Folk omens warn that a leap year is not the best time to plan for conception or have a child. Superstitious people insist that children born in a leap year have a hard and bad fate. Such children can be painful, capricious, and cause a lot of trouble to their parents.
You cannot play a wedding in a leap year. According to signs, it follows that marriages concluded during this period are short-lived. Family life is not at risk.
It is better to postpone any new business and projects for the next year. A leap year, including the Year of the Rat 2020, is suitable for development in a previously set direction, for completing previously started cases. It is impossible during these 12 months to be engaged in the arrangement of an apartment or house, to make repairs.
In folk omens it is said that in a leap year it is forbidden to pick and eat mushrooms. Allegedly, at this time, the maximum amount of harmful substances and negative energy is collected in the mushrooms.
It is not recommended to have pets or birds in the 2020 White Metal Rat. From the point of view of superstition, it follows that animals acquired in a leap year will not take root in a new house, it will be hard and often get sick.
You cannot share your plans and ideas even with close people during all 12 months. Otherwise, Fortune will turn away.
In a leap year, one should not think about death once again, and elderly or sick people are not recommended to buy things for a funeral, make wills, bring artificial flowers, cemetery candles to the house, and so on. Signs say that then the energy of death will become many times stronger, and a leap year will take a person's soul with it.
Another prohibition that is relevant for the leap year 2020: you can not celebrate the "day of the first tooth" in a small child. Superstitious people insist that then a person will have dental problems all his life.