The Nativity of Christ is one of the most revered holidays in Christianity. Moreover, for Catholics it falls on December 25, and for Orthodox Christians - on January 7. The difference of 13 days was formed as a result of the fact that with the advent of Soviet power, the Gregorian calendar (the so-called new style of chronology) was introduced in Russia, and the entire Catholic diocese, Greek Catholics and Protestants continue to adhere to the Julian calendar (old style).

Step 1
As is known from history, the first Christians did not celebrate this holiday, we owe its appearance to the Christians of Egypt, and already by the 4th century A. D. this custom has spread everywhere. The Russian tradition of celebrating Christmas was formed as a result of the imposition of the Christian principles brought by the Greeks on the indigenous pagan festivities in honor of the sun god (Kolyada), the date of veneration of which fell just on December 25. Hence the gloriously famous carols appeared, which have survived to this day. Christmastide fell on the period December 25 - January 6, and was accompanied by traditional Christmas-time fortune-telling (because according to legends, during the winter solstice, the gates open between the visible and invisible worlds).
Step 2
Christmas in Russia was also called "winter Easter", and was called to celebrate the rebirth and renewal of the Soul. The All-Night Service began with a solemn divine liturgy announcing the birth of the Savior and giving glory to the Creator, both by angels in heaven and by people on earth.
Step 3
Each house was decorated with a Christmas tree as a symbol of "eternal" life, and a festive table was laid in honor of the end of the six weeks of Great Lent.
Step 4
On the night before Christmas, festivities began. Mummers walked the streets, sang Christmas songs, glorified Christ.
Step 5
Children, huddled in small flocks, went from house to house and sang Christmas carols, recited poems and prayers. The owners generously presented them with rolls and gingerbread, and the adults were invited to the table.
Step 6
Parents told their children stories about the birth of the baby Jesus, showered them with grain as a symbol of abundance.
Step 7
In the morning, people congratulated each other on Christmas and arranged folk fun: riding in troika, sleigh rides, playing "ice", snowballs, "fish", "trickle", etc. They also loved fist fights and baiting bulls and bears.
Step 8
The buffoons gave theatrical performances, on Christmas themes, in which good certainly triumphs over evil, in the generalized image of the Gogol trait. All this has come down to our days, slightly changing the shape, in order to please modern customs.
Step 9
Thus, the colorful Russian soul was able in an incomprehensible way to combine deep pagan roots along with the canonized church rites.