Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 21

Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 21
Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 21

May 21 is rich in professional holidays. On this day, inventors, military translators and naval employees are especially proud of their profession. In addition, believers celebrate the day of the Apostle John the Theologian, who is the patron saint of authors, publishers and editors. And this is not the whole list of holidays falling on the 21st.

May 21 - Day of the Pacific Fleet
May 21 - Day of the Pacific Fleet

Pacific Fleet Day

In Russia, May 21 is the Day of the Pacific Fleet. The date was not chosen by chance: on this day, in 1731, the Senate "For the protection of lands, sea trade routes and industries" established the Okhotsk military port and the Okhotsk military flotilla. It was the first Russian naval unit in the Pacific Ocean. The holiday was introduced in 1999 by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

At present, the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation ensures the military security of the state in the Asia-Pacific region.

Day of the military translator

Another no less significant professional holiday celebrated on the 21st is the Day of the Military Translator. This profession, which had existed in the Russian army for centuries, was legalized only in 1929, when Joseph Unshlikht, deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, signed an order "On establishing the rank for the command personnel of the Red Army" Military translator ".

Celebrating the memorable date began in 2000, initiated by members of the Alumni Club of the All-Russian Institute of Foreign Languages (Military Institute of Foreign Languages).

Inventory day

Inventory Day, also known as BTI Workers' Day (an abbreviation for "Bureau of Technical Inventory"), has been celebrated throughout the country since 1999. It is worth noting that it has been unofficially celebrated for several decades, and it has already developed some traditions and customs. The history of the Soviet inventory began on May 21, 1927 with the adoption of the Decree "On the approval of the Regulations on the inventory of the property of Local Councils."

An inventory is an inventory of assets on hand. The inventory profession is one of the most socially useful.

The holiday was established by the resolution of the Board of the Federal Union of Inventories No. 21 "On the professional holiday of the inventory and setting the date of its holding."

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

May is a month passing under the banner of multiculturalism. In 2002, the General Assembly of the United Nations introduced Resolution No. 57/249 and proclaimed May 21 as the World Day for Cultural Diversity. Since 2003, the memorable date has been celebrated by all UN member states.

Activists and members of intergovernmental organizations inform society about the value of different cultures, the importance of establishing intercultural communication, establish a dialogue between representatives of different countries, educate and discuss pressing problems in this area.
