Organizing and holding a children's party is a very serious and responsible mission for adults. For children at the holiday, the main thing is not the treat, but the atmosphere, therefore it is much more important to have the attributes of the holiday: vases with decorative balls, colored skewers for canapes, beautiful umbrellas in cocktails, bright tablecloths and napkins. Parents need to think not only about what kind of treat to serve, but also how to decorate the table.

Step 1
Cover the table over a regular cloth tablecloth with a patterned tablecloth to match the occasion. Use special children's dishes with funny pictures and bright napkins for serving. Serve sweets in tall vases with legs, and tie the legs of the vases with beautiful ribbons. A slide always looks very impressive on the table, one of the tiers of which you can fill with decorative decorations for the occasion, for example, fir cones or large multi-colored candies without wrappers.
Step 2
Do not decorate the children's table with flowers, as children may have allergies. Instead of candles, decorate the table with battery-powered lights for children. For example, in the form of mushrooms, gnomes or angels. Use bright decorative figures and figurines made of unbreakable materials as decorations for the children's table. Do not use plush or faux fur stuffed toys for decoration. Place chocolate or sugar figurines all over the table. Make a gingerbread house for the holiday and place it in the center of the table. This will create a festive atmosphere and a fabulous mood.
Step 3
Assume that the treat itself is a decoration on the children's table. To do this, serve the fruit whole in a vase, and ice cream in pineapple boats. To make boats, cut the pineapple lengthwise, keeping the crown green, then remove the pulp and place the ice cream in the resulting space. You can also serve ice cream in coconut halves. Prepare fruit jelly for the holiday in a large cupcake tin with a hole. Put the jelly on a dish and fill the hole with berries or candied fruits. Children are very fond of bright fruit jelly, and it looks very beautiful.
Instead of sandwiches, make canapes on pretty skewers. Cut the melon in half and stick the canapé skewers in a circle. Instead of big pies, make small pies, gingerbread and cookies so your child can eat it quickly and don't have to finish a big bite if something doesn't like it. There should be more homemade food on the children's table, since homemade pizza, muffin or pretzel are much tastier than purchased ones, not to mention healthier.