The celebration of March 8, as a women's day, has become so firmly established in life that many no longer remember the true purpose of this day - it is so pleasant to rejoice in spring, to surprise women without delving into the meaning of the holiday. It is sometimes helpful to remember how the very idea of honoring women came about.

Step 1
March 8 became the day of the first revolutionary step of women - workers in textile and shoe factories in New York took to a rally demanding a reduction in the length of the working day, higher wages, better working conditions, etc. In 1857, a woman's working day could reach 16 hours, and wages were minimal, while similar work for men was valued much higher. On this day, the first women's trade union was formed, which was to fight for the rights of women in the labor collective.
Step 2
A few years later, in Copenhagen, at the International Women's Conference, Clara Zetkin proposed an annual Women's Day, which would be a call to women around the world. Slogans about the struggle for equality, respect for dignity, peace and other revolutionary calls were voiced at the meeting where it was customary to celebrate such a day on March 19. For three years after the congress, the holiday was held on different days, but in 1914 it was decided to hold the International Women's Day on March 8 - since then the date has remained unchanged.
Step 3
Gradually, the holiday lost its political character, it was made a non-working day, and in Soviet years, meetings were held on this day, where the management honored honored workers and reported on how the state policy towards women was being implemented.
Step 4
Now, on March 8, it is customary to give women flowers, gifts, organize corporate events, and encourage them with monetary rewards. Together with February 23, when men are congratulated, the holiday has become a day when even kids in kindergarten prepare matinees for their girls, and children congratulate mothers, sisters and girlfriends. Giving at least a symbolic gift is considered mandatory, and girls already from childhood know that on this day you have to be the most beautiful, and you can expect gifts and attention from boys.
Step 5
By analogy with Mother's Day on March 8, it is customary to visit grandmothers, congratulate them, arrange feasts with abundant snacks, sweets and alcohol. Women's holiday is associated with the onset of spring, freshness and the rebirth of nature from hibernation, so it is already cheerful, cheerful and optimistic.