Every New Year, the Santa Claus Post service receives thousands of letters from children and adults. Each has its own story and a request for a gift. The service specialists annually publish a rating of the things and toys most desirable by little Russians. Once upon a time these were rocking horses and balls. Now times have changed - in the first places there are completely different heroes.

Step 1
The top three most desirable gifts for 2015, based on more than 150 thousand letters, look like this: tablets, laptops, smartphones. To many, this will seem predictable. Indeed, today's children and adolescents are very keen on mobile devices. But even last year, Bratz and Barbie dolls visited the top lines of the rating. What is the reason for such a rapid change of interests is still unclear.
Step 2
The second three, from 4th to 6th place, starts with the new iPhone 6. The authority of the "apple smartphone" is falling. Next come digital cameras. This is ordered by older girls and boys. And behind them are mp3-players. Also a common attribute of a schoolchild.
Step 3
Fans of Lego constructors will be pleased that he is not forgotten in the list of gifts at number 7. But the fact that pets are in last place this year, on the contrary, is upsetting. It is easier for our children to communicate with mobile phones than with living beings.