Ransom is traditionally done at weddings by the bridesmaids. One of its indispensable components is questions to the groom. Most often they are associated with the preferences, tastes and desires of the bride.

- - markers;
- - cards;
- - paper / cardboard.
Step 1
Talk to the bride. If you don't know the groom well enough, it will be much more difficult to formulate questions. Talk to your friend about which questions might be embarrassing for her future spouse, and which are best not to ask.
Step 2
Remember that your job should not be to ask a question that the groom cannot answer. The question should be such that the groom knows the answer. You can also think about comic questions. It is not so much the correctness of the answer that matters as its originality.
Step 3
Make up questions about the bride. Most often these include the size of the beloved. For example, leg size, rings, waist, etc. Moreover, the form of the questions may vary. So you can write questions on cards and either read them out or give them to the groom. You can add answer options, which will greatly facilitate the task for the groom. Complicate the task and write ready-made answers, in this case the numbers, and the groom must himself guess what these numbers mean.
Step 4
Pay attention to the questions that highlight the relationship of the newlyweds. For example, you can ask the groom to name the date and place of the first date, the day of acquaintance, the place of the first meeting with the bride, etc. These questions are best asked with 3 possible answers. One of them should be true, the second should be similar to true, but not true, and the third should be funny, funny and, perhaps, even absurd.
Step 5
Ask a few questions about the future mother-in-law of the groom. This image is so symbolic that almost no ransom is complete without it. Ask the groom for the full name of the bride's mother, her date of birth, and her eye color, especially if it is the same as that of the bridegroom's chosen one.
Step 6
Ask the groom what is the bride's favorite color, what drink she prefers, what dish she cooks most often, what car she likes the most, etc. For every wrong answer, the groom must pay and entertain the bridesmaids conducting the ransom. Having given the correct answer, the groom takes another step towards his destiny.