Of course, the bride and groom are the main characters at the wedding, their outfits should be the most beautiful and attract everyone's attention. However, just as a stone needs a decent setting, so the parents of the newlyweds should look appropriate and stand out from the crowd of guests. It's easier for men - usually a high-quality suit is enough, but mothers will have to choose from a variety of options.

Step 1
According to etiquette, the mother of the bride used to buy the dress first, and then told the groom's mother the color and style of her outfit. This was done so that the mothers of young people were dressed in the same style. However, today the parent of a young man may justly be offended by such a disregard for her interests. Therefore, mothers should choose their wedding outfits, either jointly or by agreeing in advance on the design of their dresses or suits.
Step 2
When choosing an outfit for the groom's mother, her type of appearance, figure, taste should be taken into account. If the mother of the bride is blonde and the mother of the groom is a burning brunette, of course, clothes of the same color will not suit them. In such a situation, you should choose outfits, the color of which will be in perfect harmony with each other. For example, the mother of the bride can wear a peach dress, and the mother of the groom can wear an olive dress. The outfit of both the groom's mother and the bride's mother should be either warm or cold. The only taboo is white clothing. If the bride chooses a champagne or ivory wedding dress, your outfit should be at least a couple of shades darker.
Step 3
The outfit of the groom's parent should be elegant. Medium length dresses, two-piece suits and three-piece suits will do. Pants are also welcome. It is desirable that all elements of the toilet are of the same color. A variety of colors in your wedding dress is undesirable.
Step 4
The wedding look will be ideally complemented by family jewelry - gold jewelry with diamonds, pearls, semi-precious stones. The dress itself can be decorated with expensive embroidery, beads, bugles.
Step 5
A spectacular finishing touch will look like a shirt or tie of the groom's father, matched to the tone of the wife. Then the parents of a young man will look impressive and harmonious, yielding the palm only to a couple of young ones.