Children and adults are looking forward to the onset of the May holidays to relax with the whole family, bask in the sun, and eat a delicious barbecue. Of course, this dish can also be ordered in a restaurant or cafe, but in nature, fried with your own hands, it turns out to be much tastier. When going on a picnic with children, remember the safety rules and keep the child away from the fire and hot barbecue.

You can now relax in nature with barbecue in the city, you just need to find out before the holiday the entire list of places allowed for the installation of barbecues. When going on a picnic, do not forget that you cannot use firewood, especially dry branches picked up in parks. Bring a bag of charcoal, it will cost you a lot less than a fine, and you have to demonstrate to the children the correct behavior in public recreation. Your barbecue should be high to avoid damaging the grass. Light the fire carefully, carefully read the instructions on the packaging of the lighter fluid. Keep the barbecue in sight. Parks and all picnic places in the city will be overcrowded for the May holidays, so put up with the noisy neighborhood in advance. Warn children not to go far from their family. Serebryany Bor is a very popular and, perhaps, the most populous place for outdoor recreation in the capital. If you go through Zhostovo, you can get to a cozy place on the channel named after. Moscow. There will be fewer tourists there, and you will find yourself more comfortable, and the children will have a place to frolic. On the shores of Lake Beloye in Kosino in May there is still no such number of bathers as in summer. The infrastructure, of course, is worse than in Serebryany Bor, but the place is picturesque and well suited for families with a child. The rest of the permitted places for installing your own barbecue or renting equipment can be found in newspapers or on the websites of the city administration. In exactly the same way, residents of other settlements will choose attractive sites for families with children. Don't forget to clean up all the trash after the picnic, it's good if you have your own summer cottage. This is the best you can think of for a safe and fun May holidays with children. Here you can put your child to bed if he gets tired, and sit quietly by the barbecue all night.