Everyone can learn how to give gifts correctly. There are not so many conditions for this, but they must be observed. For example, do not expect anything in return, choose the right, appropriate gifts, show genuine concern for the person.

Show concern
When choosing a gift, do it sincerely, do not buy things just because they are expensive. Likewise, do not choose a gift that is too cheap and think of it as a cheap present that will be thrown away anyway. Take the time and effort to make the right choices. If you have the opportunity, you can make something yourself. Such a gift will be even more valuable.
Choose a gift
Try to avoid a situation where the donation process becomes an everyday and even routine procedure. Also, make sure that the gift does not become for a person another monotonous item in his collection of gifts. If you do not know what to give, do not buy things, the gift does not have to be any item. Present, for example, tickets to attend an event (concert, sporting event, art gallery, botanical garden, etc.), a ticket to a sanatorium, or a subscription to a massage parlor or fitness center.
When choosing a gift, be sure to think about what a person would never give to himself. For example, you know about some of his hobbies, and that he often buys certain things. Giving such gifts can be perceived as an invasion of his sense of style and beauty, because for a long time a person has already developed his own interests and an idea of what things that interest him should be.
A good way to make the right choice is to listen carefully to the person. Surely he said sometime that he could not afford certain things or was dreaming about something.
Consider the possibility of a return
If you want to give gifts correctly, always keep in mind that for one reason or another they may not suit or please the person. Be sure to tell him that, if necessary, he can return the gift to the store or exchange it for another, for example, if you donated clothes that do not fit in size.
Find a way to say that the gift can be given or gifted to someone else. Don't make the person feel obligated to keep an item just because it's your gift.
Don't expect anything in return
You only need to give gifts if you really want to. It is wrong to think that your gift to a person obliges him to do something. Don't even expect gratitude or a smile. In most cases, as a rule, you will hear the word "Thank you", but if this did not happen, this does not mean that your gift and your attention to themselves are not appreciated.
Situations and people themselves are different, a person can be shy, shy, or just feel uncomfortable. If you are giving a gift from the bottom of your heart, you should not be worried about the reaction to it.