Who has not admired the courage of the handsome d'Artagnan and with a sinking heart has not followed the amazing adventures of his friends? And many probably dreamed of being in his place at least once. And why not - especially if the carnival is approaching or you have decided to stage a performance?

It is necessary
- 2 sheets of thick cardboard A-1
- Close-fitting fabric - 1.5 m with a width of 140 or 150 cm
- Paste
- Compass
- Long ruler
- Pencil
- Awl
- Thick needle with a large eye
- Threads # 1 or "snowflake"
- Several bird feathers
Step 1
Before starting work, weld the paste, as it should cool down.
Measure the circumference of your head. Calculate the inner circle of the pattern using the formula R = l / 2 * 3, 14. Draw the circle on the cardboard.
Add 18-20 cm to the resulting radius and draw a larger circle from the same center. Using a long ruler, divide the circle in half by drawing a line through the center. Set aside from the resulting intersections the lines with a larger circle 2 cm in each direction on the grooves. Connect the resulting points to the point of intersection of the line with the smaller circle.
Draw from the same center another circle with a radius about 2.5 cm less than the radius of the inner circle. This will be an increase in gluing.
Cut out the pattern. Cut the circle to be glued in several places at regular intervals to the inner circle of the hat. Cut the notch lines at an angle of approximately 45 degrees
On another sheet of cardboard, draw a pattern for the crown and bottom. The crown is a half-ring with radii of 10 and 28 cm. Make allowances for gluing along the top of the crown and along the side cut of the crown.

Step 2
Lay the fabric with the wrong side up and transfer all the details of the pattern to it. Leave glue allowances on the outside and inside of the margins and on the top of the crown. Remember that you will need to cut two identical rings for the brim. On the one with which you will glue the bottom of the fields, make allowances for gluing on the outer and inner circumferences of the ring. On the ring, which will be glued to the fields from above, the increase is made only along the inner circle. The outer circumference of the top ring is very neatly cut to fit. The bottom of the hat is also cut without allowances. On the crown, allowances are made on both sides.
Cut out the details.
Step 3
Glue the crown together at the seam and let it dry. Glue the bottom on top.
Insert the crown into the inside of the margins so that the allowances for gluing the margins are inside the crown. Glue in the crown.
Let the hat dry before fitting it.
Step 4
Place the paste on the piece of fabric intended for the crown. Stick it, bending the allowances at the top of the margins and at the bottom. Iron thoroughly and let dry.
Glue the bottom of the margins by folding the allowances into the crown and over the top of the margins. Dry your hat.
Glue the top of the margins.
Glue the bottom.
Let the hat dry.
Sew on the feathers.