Probably every third boy dreams of becoming a pirate. The shops now sell pirate sabers, hats and costumes. But the costume can be taken ready-made, having decorated it in a pirate theme. And you can make a hat yourself. It will turn out no worse than in a store and much cheaper.

It is necessary
Medium black A4 cardboard, red cardboard for the inside of the A4 hat, heavy cardboard for the base (for example, a piece from a cardboard box), about 30 small nibs, thin and shiny ribbon, red ribbon wider for the emblem, a gun with liquid nails, ruler, scissors, stapler and double-sided tape
Step 1
Our pirate hat will have 5 parts: front, back and inside, base and emblem. We draw a diagram of a pirate hat, guided by the child's own taste or preferences. Compose the front to the back on black cardboard and cut out. We glue the corners of the parts of our hat with double-sided tape and glue the halves. We take the cardboard from the box and cut out the base from it - a strip measuring 2x58 cm (based on the head volume of 56 cm). We fold the base into a ring and glue it. The inner part is cut out of red cardboard, dimensions - 10x30 cm. Glue and fasten to the base. The hat itself is ready.
Step 2
Let's start decorating. We glue the feathers overlapping with liquid nails, from the center to the edges of the hat. We glue a thin ribbon on the front and back along the bottom of the hat.
Step 3
Making an emblem. Cut out a circle for the base of the emblem and other details (skulls with bones or another picture of your choice) from bulky rubberized paper. We glue the base with the rest of the emblem with double-sided tape, draw small details with a gel pen. The emblem is done. It remains to attach it to the hat and the image of a young pirate is ready.