The day on which the streets are filled with "hearts" of different sizes, when the greatest number of declarations of love are heard, is, of course, Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on February 14th. And although this holiday came to us from America, in our country they managed to fall in love with it. And this is not surprising, because it is difficult to think of a better reason to confess your love to the object of your adoration.

It is necessary
- - valentine;
- - flowers;
- - candies;
- - Balloons.
Step 1
The main symbol of the holiday is the so-called "valentines". The role of valentines can be either simple cards or soft toys in the shape of a heart. It is difficult to imagine a declaration of love on this day without a presented valentine. Choose the one you like to present it to your soul mate or whoever you would like to see in this role.
Step 2
Do not be afraid that you will be rejected this day. After all, it is pleasant to receive recognition for everyone, without exception. That is why on the most romantic day of the year there is a chance to win over the person you like. A valentine can invite him or her to a romantic dinner.
Step 3
Book a table in advance in a restaurant or cafe. Better if it is a cafe with a separate booth. After all, Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. And it is better for lovers to be alone, to talk about their feelings. In addition to a postcard, the girl can be presented with flowers, sweets, balloons.
Step 4
On Valentine's Day, the most important thing is the romantic atmosphere. Better not to prepare any extreme surprises. A cafe or cinema is perfect for a pastime. If weather conditions permit, take a walk around the city.
Step 5
The main thing is to devote this day only to yourself and your soul mate. Talk about your relationship, confess your love. But do not forget that you need to talk about love more than one day a year. Let this holiday be just another reason for you to spend time together. And love will surround you not only, but 365 days a year.