Birthday is a special holiday. The birthday boy is always in the spotlight, guests congratulate and give gifts. The day of the 18th anniversary is especially long-awaited. Although this date is not round, it is nevertheless significant, since a new time is coming in a person's life - coming of age. The birthday man becomes a full member of society with all his privileges and responsibilities.

Step 1
In order not to turn the holiday into a banal feast at home, it is necessary to think over the scenario in advance. Fans of entertainment and parties will love the nightclub. After all, until today you could not get there, so now you have the right to enjoy all its delights. To do this, book a table in advance, discuss the menu. As a rule, when ordering on a birthday for a large company, the administration of such establishments provide various bonuses. An excellent option is not just a bar or restaurant, but an entertainment center, where you can not only sit at tables and dance, but also play, for example, billiards or bowling.
Step 2
If your birthday is in winter, you can invite the whole company out of town, to a holiday home or a tourist base. Here you can always rent a barbecue, go skiing, and in the evening settle in a cozy room and continue the holiday. It is important to take into account the interests of your friends, coordinate such a holiday scenario with him.
Step 3
In summer, you can celebrate your 18th birthday with friends at the dacha or just at a picnic. An excellent option if the resting place will be located on the beach or at least on the bank of a small river. Then the rest can be diversified with outdoor games and swimming. In the evening it will be nice to sit by the fire, grill meat or make a barbecue.
Step 4
At any time of the year, you can visit a sauna or bath with friends. They usually have their own menu and sometimes a cafe or restaurant. Often the saunas have karaoke, billiards, darts, so you won't be bored. In addition, the saunas are equipped with a steam room and a swimming pool where you can plunge.
Step 5
Wherever you celebrate your 18th birthday, remember that the main thing is to approach the preparation of the holiday in a good mood, and a friendly and cheerful company will help you make your plans come true.