The family brings together people who are connected by the closest bonds. Therefore, in relations between family members, along with mutual love and respect, a certain familiarity is permissible. For example, this applies to rallies. But there must be a measure for everything, otherwise the matter may come to resentment.

Step 1
In no case should the rally be allowed to take an offensive, offensive form, and even more so that the person is very frightened, nervous. This is not only stupid, but just cruel!
Step 2
If children decide to play a prank on their parents, they should not pretend to be sick, or, even worse, ask someone to call with a message that their son or daughter is in big trouble (got into an accident, to the police, kidnapped and demand a ransom, etc.) … You don't want it to come to an ambulance call, do you? Loving parents literally lose their heads from fear if children are in danger. They simply will not be able to reason in cold blood in such a state.
Step 3
Well, parents should be careful when playing a teenager. The fact is that during puberty, due to a sharp change in the hormonal background, young men and women become highly sensitive and sensitive. They very painfully, inadequately react to any neglect, ridicule, real or imaginary.
Step 4
The rally should be harmless, harmless! The purpose of the rally is to cheer up, put everyone in a good mood, including the one who has become its object. Whether we are talking about a person's habits or features of his character, tastes, culinary preferences, it is very important to accurately measure the dose of irony so as not to cross the line. A sense of love, proportion and tact will help you with this.
Step 5
For example, the father of the family is jealous of his leadership, trying to solve literally any issues. In addition, he is very active by nature. In the morning, when he just wakes up, his wife can say to him with a perplexed and dissatisfied look: “Gee! They turned off the water without warning: both cold and hot! I already called the housing office, they said that there are a lot of applications for the whole day, they say. " And when the angry spouse rushes to the phone to deal with these "bums from the housing office" himself, congratulate him: "Happy April Fool's Day!"