People love to have fun, which is probably why they came up with such a huge number of all kinds of holidays that can be celebrated with friends or in close family circle.

What are the most important holidays?
There are a very large number of holidays at the present time, this is the New Year, and March 8, and all sorts of other dates. But, as a rule, what is considered an important and significant event for one person, for another it does not play any role at all. But absolutely all of these dates are a necessary part of human life. Indeed, even thousands of years ago, people commemorated events and celebrated them with special joy. It is also happening now, lush tables are laid, families gather, fireworks are launched.
Sometimes it is on holidays that reconciliation occurs between people who were once in a quarrel, and acquaintances take place in the same way.
All holidays are divided into two groups: these are personal holidays, which are celebrated only by a certain circle of people, and the so-called public ones, which are celebrated by almost all people.
Personal Holidays
Personal holidays include birthdays, wedding dates, dates of certain events (first kiss, baby's first steps, date of meeting) and many others. Each family develops some kind of tradition, which turns into significant annual celebrations, which are then passed on from generation to generation.
This is not to say that these celebrations are not the main ones, because for some people they may matter more than those included in the public calendar.
Public holidays
As a rule, public celebrations are divided into two more subgroups: state and Orthodox. The state ones include: New Year (January 1), Christmas (January 7), Tatyana's day / student's day (January 25), Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23), International Women's Day (March 8), Unity of Nations Day (April 2)), Spring and Labor Day (May 1), Youth Day (June 27), Knowledge Day (September 1) and many others.
The main Orthodox holidays include the following holidays: Maslenitsa, Ivan-Kupala, Ascension of the Lord, Easter, Trinity, Krasnaya Gorka and others.
There are a huge number of celebrations in Russia, but you cannot sort them by importance, because each of them is necessary and important, whether it is a "day of hugs" or "New Year". But, despite this, there are still more popular and less popular ones, of which non-working ones are more appreciated. After all, it is on a non-working day that you can have a good rest, having gone with friends to nature, or simply limit yourself to a trip to a restaurant for a couple in love. Holidays occurring on weekdays are also not inferior in popularity. On such days, various corporate parties and simple congratulations take place using calls and SMS.