Almost every holiday has its own rituals and customs. Many ancient signs and modern beautiful traditions are associated with the wedding. Hanging "locks of love" on the bridge is one of them.

History of wedding castles
The tradition of hanging locks on bridges and lanterns on the wedding day appeared in Italy in the 90s of the last century. There is a version that "wedding castles" appeared in 1992 after the publication of F. Moccia's book "Three meters above the sky". In the novel, the main characters swore an oath of love to each other in Rome on the Milvio Bridge. To symbolize the strength of their relationship, they tied a lamppost on the bridge with a chain and closed a lock on the chain, and threw the key into the Tiber.
The newlyweds liked this beautiful ceremony and quickly became popular in many European countries, including Russia. Our country has its own ancient custom regarding castles. After the wedding, the newlyweds went into the house, under the threshold of which an open barn castle was placed. After the groom brought the bride into the house in his arms, the relatives took out the lock and closed it, and threw the key into the river so that no one could open the lock and destroy family happiness. The wedding castle was kept in the house of the newlyweds and was considered a family heirloom.
Family happiness symbol
Now "wedding castles" have become part of the celebration program. After marriage, the newlyweds usually go for a ride around the city, the cortege stops on the bridge and the couple in love closes their lock on the railing, and throws the key into the water. This new custom symbolizes the strength and seriousness of the feelings that bind the bride and groom, and also promises a long and happy marriage.
In addition to bridges, lucky locks can be found on lamp posts and other fences. In order not to spoil the architectural appearance of streets and bridges, in many cities a special "lovers' tree" of cast iron is installed, on which the newlyweds hang their locks. For example, in Moscow since 2007, Luzhkov Bridge has been decorated with metal trees, on the branches of which hundreds of wedding castles "grow". Over time, a whole alley of love "grew" on the Bolotnaya embankment.
Lovers try to make their wedding castles unusual, write names on them, decorate with drawings and rhinestones. Locks of love have firmly taken their place in the wedding industry. In stores you can buy heart-shaped locks in different colors and sizes. There are models with parting inscriptions, you can also order a special engraving. There is an unusual wedding lock that closes only once and does not have a key, which symbolizes loyalty and strength of feelings. But it is worth remembering that the main thing is not the beauty of the castle, but the strength and sincerity of the vows of love of the newlyweds.