In the spring of 2012, the popular group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" released their new album "Rabkor". After the release of the disc, the musicians, without interruption for rest, began work on clips for selected tracks of the album.

To watch the latest video, visit the band's official website. On their page, the musicians are happy to share the results of their work with their fans. You can find a recently released clip in the "News" section or in the "Media Gallery" section, the "Video" subsection.
"Lyapis Trubetskoy" is a popular group, so do not doubt that the novelty will soon be shown on Russian music channels. Turn on MTV or Muz-TV channels and wait for videos from your favorite band. You can also watch the music video online by going to the sites of these music channels.
The YouTube service is a huge repository of all kinds of videos, from amateur filming to rare clips of stars in high quality. Go to the site and type in the search bar the name of the group and the video clip that interests you. After that, the system will offer you several videos. Please note that, in addition to the official video, there may be videos made by fans of the group.
The Vkontakte website is not only a place where it is convenient to communicate with former classmates and follow the life of friends. In addition, users can upload various videos to the server. Since the audience of "Vkontakte" has millions of users, gradually the site has become a repository of a huge amount of information. If you want to see the latest video from "Lapis" - go to the social network. Click the "Videos" link and type the group and the name of the clip in the search bar, and the server will give you the options available to you. You can also go to the Lyapis Trubetskoy fan group. To do this, click the "Communities" link located on the top panel and enter the name of the musical group, and "Vkontakte" will offer you several pages on which fans like to communicate. There you will probably find a link to the new clip.