In addition to March 8, several other holidays dedicated to women are celebrated in the world. Some of them are professional, some are universal, but any of these days is marked by warm words addressed to women and bouquets of flowers.

International Women's Day
The holiday celebrated on March 8 is one of the most popular in Russia. Its appearance is closely related to the struggle of women for equal rights. Until recently, women received lower wages and worked in worse conditions. They were not accepted for a number of jobs and were deprived of the right to vote in elections. In the late 19th century, women organized a series of equal rights rallies. Members of the Social Democratic Party were especially zealous in this. March 8, 1908 was marked by a rally of the Women's Social Democratic Branch of New York, led by Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemurg. The rally was notable for its scale and slogans that were daring for that time. Later, this date became a women's holiday not only among socialists, but also among the broad masses. Over time, the historical significance of the holiday was forgotten.
Although March 8 is an international holiday, it is widely celebrated only in Russia and the countries of the former CIS.
Mothers Day
In Russia, this holiday is not as popular as in the USA and Canada. It is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. For the first time in the CIS, such a holiday was held in one of the schools in Baku, and its founder was the teacher of the Russian language and literature Elmira Huseynova. This event happened in 1988. The news about the unusual holiday and the script for its holding were published in several newspapers. Many schools throughout the USSR also held such events. In 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed an official decree establishing Mother's Day. On this holiday, not only mothers who have already taken place, but also pregnant women are congratulated.
Mother's Day celebration dates back to the matriarchy period. In those days, religious mysteries were held dedicated to the main goddess.
International Nurse Day
Irreplaceable doctors' assistants have their own holiday, which is celebrated on May 12th. This day coincides with the date of birth of Florence Nightingale, the founder of Sisters of Charity. Initially, the sisters of mercy were only representatives of a special monastic community that preached help to their neighbors. But Nightingale turned this mission into something else, creating a semblance of modern nurses. The Sisters of Mercy began to pay more attention to medical knowledge, and soon became full-fledged medical assistants. Florence herself was very influential in the army's hospital service. Today's Nursing Day is celebrated with traditional nursing congresses and lectures.