Not a single list of annual corporate events in different teams, regardless of the number of employees and areas of activity, is complete without celebrating the women's holiday. Celebrating this day usually includes holding a corporate party, presenting gifts and flowers.

Step 1
Make your team feel festive right in the morning. Let the initiative group, which is responsible for congratulations, gift selection and other organizational issues, come early to brighten women's workplaces. You can hang on a bunch of balloons, put small flowers in pots on work tables or one flower each in miniature vases, put a box of chocolates, etc. Small signs of attention will pleasantly surprise and set you in a benevolent mood.
Step 2
Prepare a festive wall newspaper - let the heroes of the occasion be depicted on the poster, good wishes are written, and original elements are pasted. Surely there is a person in your team who can make a photo collage - place it on a large greeting card and hang it in a prominent place. The wall newspaper, naturally, will attract attention, show visitors that there is a corporate culture in your company, and its incarnations can be very diverse.
Step 3
Gather all employees at lunchtime - if the staff is small, you can gather in the meeting or relaxation room. Buy some cakes, juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, and congratulate the employees on the holiday. This small rehearsal of a corporate evening is necessary in order to present gifts, as well as congratulate those who cannot be present at the main celebration. You can call the women one at a time, announcing on the speakerphone or sending each a message via internal mail - have several men, including the head of the enterprise and heads of departments, congratulate their colleagues, give gifts or cash rewards (in different companies they are encouraged differently).
Step 4
Cancel all congratulations on the working day itself, and organize a corporate trip - to nature, out of town, to the nearest resort complex, etc. You will have the opportunity to communicate with colleagues in an informal setting by organizing various competitions and contests, with obligatory evening dances and a buffet table. Hire a party company to take care of the fun of your employees.