It is customary to celebrate most of the holidays not only at home, with loved ones, but also at work, among colleagues and colleagues. You can try and celebrate the holiday of spring, love and beauty, which March 8 is, very bright and unusual.

Step 1
First of all, it is worth contacting the direct management with a question about possible sponsorship of the holiday. If the answer is yes, then it is best to entrust the design and conduct of the event to professionals. If you don't even have to dream of financial assistance, then you will have to work on your own. Decorate the workspace with colorful balloons, flowers, organize a wall newspaper with beautifully designed photos of all employees with pleasant wishes.
Step 2
Take a closer look at the male employees - it is quite possible that among them there are talents who can write a short poem or song dedicated to your ladies. They will be very pleased to receive gifts from you, if they are additionally accompanied by more rhymed congratulations.
Step 3
Throw away all the complexes and arrange a real holiday for your colleagues - sketch a playful script, taking as a basis some popular and beloved film, for example, "Office Romance", involving only men in it even in female roles. Such an unusual reincarnation will give women a lot of pleasure, leaving no one indifferent.
Step 4
On this day, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are simply obliged to feel like real queens. Take the trouble to take on all the responsibilities associated with the buffet on the holiday. Better yet, arrange a competition between men for the title of the best cook. Let each of them prepare, for example, a fruit salad, decorating it according to the theme of the holiday.
Step 5
If possible, be sure to arrange a disco in your office. Choose music based on your musical tastes and the age of your colleagues. If your team is young and active, you should stop at the most popular club hits, but if the main contingent is representatives of the older generation, then it is best to choose the music hits of the 80s or 90s. Be sure to pick up some romantic songs to be able to invite your ladies to a slow dance. Do not forget to shower your lovely women with compliments so that they will have only the warmest memories of this holiday.