The holiday, once called the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, figures in Russian everyday life as the Day of the Defender. Only not Russia, but for some reason the Fatherland. But the fact that he is considered exclusively masculine causes bewilderment and even indignation of a fairly large part of women. They argue that, like men, they also defend their homeland, and often in uniform and even in war. Moreover, often instead of the "stronger sex". And therefore it has the right to claim congratulations.

WWII veterans
The most worthy category of women, for whom February 23 has forever remained a holiday of the Soviet Army, should be considered those who knew the Great Patriotic War personally, and not from films. And always be proud, for example, of the pilot Lydia Litvyak or Maria Oktyabrskaya, the driver of the Fighting Girlfriend tank built with her personal money, who posthumously became Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Incidentally, it is not very surprising that practically the entire military generation of Soviet women treated the “date” only as a men's holiday, congratulating only fathers, sons and colleagues on it. Well, they could not even think that many thousands of men would appear in the country who would start hiding from the draft.
It turns out that there are two Days of Men at once on the planet. And both are in November. One, adopted by the UN, is recorded for the first Saturday of the month. The second was on the 19th. However, only a few people know about them and, accordingly, note them.
A kind of baton from mothers and grandmothers was taken by girls who voluntarily left for the last war of the Soviet country - in Afghanistan. Mainly serving the SA, they helped the soldiers and officers to return home alive and took care of the wounded. And the 23rd perceived it as their own holiday, only with the smell of Afghan mountains and roads.
We are from the Airborne Forces
Almost 50 thousand girls serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Moreover, many of them are in the troops, by the old standards they are quite male. So, in 2013, 14 desperate and pretty Russian young ladies at once successfully graduated from an elite military university - the Ryazan Airborne School. And they became lieutenants of the kind of troops, where women could not get by definition before. Therefore, both February 23 and August 2, these lieutenants celebrate on completely legal grounds. Defender of the Fatherland Day is also celebrated by other female servicemen, who are increasingly replacing men in the army.
A pleasant festive company for female sergeants and officers of the Russian army can be made by their colleagues from various power structures. The girl who came to the Internal and Border Troops, the police, including even the OMON, the FSB, the Drug Control and other similar military, paramilitary or even almost civilian organizations (defense plant, research institute), also protects the Fatherland. To the best of our strength and capabilities, strengthening the security of the country and citizens. And the responsibility on her lies no less than on a man in uniform.
You serve, and we will wait
Many Russian doctors have the most direct connection to army life and, it turns out, to the holiday. Including, of course, women who are considered liable for military service and are ready for both peaceful labor and defense. However, military cards and even military ranks, albeit a reserve, are received by graduates of other fairly peaceful universities. For example, financial and economic or hydrometeorological.
Even though February is not yet spring, the wives of military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies also deserve warm words and congratulations. After all, their love and care greatly affect the psychological state of those men who did not succumb to fashion and chose the profession to defend the Motherland. "Defenders of the defenders" - this is how the "second halves" of Russian servicemen are sometimes called.
White spot of Pskov
The history of the origin of the holiday is rather vague and speckled with white spots. Or black holes in which the truth drowned long ago. It is known for sure that initially it was about February 1918, when parts of imperial Germany were approaching young Soviet Russia.
According to historians, the heroism of the Red Guard on February 23 is nothing more than one of the myths of Soviet propaganda. In fact, there were no battles that day. Moreover, the German units were generally more than a hundred kilometers away.
His appearance in the country of the Soviets, many researchers included in the extensive list of propaganda maneuvers of the leaders of the USSR, who wanted to hide the historical truth and inspire the population to military exploits. And at the same time they came up with a male alternative to International Women's Day.