Wedding Anniversary 30 Years - Pearl Wedding

Wedding Anniversary 30 Years - Pearl Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 30 Years - Pearl Wedding

A pearl wedding is called the 30th anniversary of a significant event in the life of the newlyweds. Just as a pearl is born from a tiny grain of sand trapped in a shell, so a family, approaching the third decade, turns into a strong, beautiful unit of society. As a rule, by this date, the spouses' life priorities and values change. The main thing is, without a doubt, the family: the well-being of children and grandchildren, the creation of a family nest, a household and a summer cottage.

Wedding Anniversary 30 Years - Pearl Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 30 Years - Pearl Wedding

Celebration traditions

Previously, there were several traditions for this significant day. At dawn, the couple walked to the river and threw a pearl or bead into it. It was believed that as long as they lie at the bottom, family happiness and well-being will last as long. Another romantic custom - the spouses held hands and, standing at the mirror, confessed their love to each other. This is a great occasion to revive the passionate feelings of the first years, to feel nostalgic about youth, inexperience and laugh at mistakes and troubles.

How to celebrate?

30 years is a solid date, worthy of a plentiful festive table and entertainment program. At home or in a restaurant, you need to gather children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends who remember your wedding. The party hall and the table are decorated in the same style - in white, pink or bedding colors, which symbolize the color of pearls. And if the weather and season permits, you can safely go to the shore of the reservoir and organize a celebration there.

On this day, a string of pearls must be present on the bride.

They put a pearl in glasses of champagne and drink at a broodershaft, after which they kiss until the guests count up to 30 together.

What to give?

Spouses present each other with pearl jewelry worthy of their status and age: bracelets, rings, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, etc.

Guests will not be able to save money either, since this is not the date when cheapness is appropriate. The choice for presentations is rich: a chic bouquet of flowers, household appliances, antique interior items, gift certificates to spas or fitness clubs, a trip to the sea, a jewelry box, etc.

Remember that 30 years from your wedding day is a big anniversary. The celebration of such a date should be held at the highest level. Relatives and friends can help happy spouses in organizing the celebration.
