St. Petersburg is a city that amazes with its architecture. Its historic center can serve as a wonderful setting for any wedding ceremony. And if you want a cozy countryside, go to Gatchina or Peterhof.

Step 1
The main criteria when choosing a venue for a wedding is the number of guests and the budget allocated for the event. The fewer guests you want to invite and the higher your financial capacity, the easier it is to find a suitable venue for your ceremony.
Step 2
When looking for a suitable site, start from your own preferences. St. Petersburg has a huge number of establishments that provide premises for banquets and receptions. The catalog of restaurants and cafes can be viewed on the website Before dwelling on any option, be sure to go to the institution and talk to the administrator. If you plan to invite a large number of guests to the wedding, ask for discounts on the menu or insist on buying your own alcohol. It is he who is the most costly budget item when ordering service in restaurants.
Step 3
Take care of transportation for the groom, bride and guests. If some of the guests will be in their cars, you can limit yourself to ordering a minibus and a limousine or a retro car. For proposals for renting vintage cars, see here -, and limousines - on the website It is obligatory to order a car in advance by concluding an agreement with the agency, which will indicate the color, brand and time of delivery. Otherwise, on your wedding day, you risk seeing something completely different from what you expected, or not waiting for the transfer at all.
Step 4
So that pleasant memories of the wedding will not be erased from your memory, order a professional photographer and video shooting. The pictures taken by a specialist cannot be compared with prints from ordinary soap dishes. It is best to look for a photographer through friends who can already give their objective reviews. But if there are none, the site will help you. There you can see examples of works and chat with their creators.