Wedding Anniversary 45 Years - Sapphire Wedding

Wedding Anniversary 45 Years - Sapphire Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 45 Years - Sapphire Wedding

For 45 years of marriage, the celebration of the next joint dates and events is no longer of special value - there are so many behind! Therefore, as a rule, children and grandchildren take care of the preparation of the celebration. The spouses, by the very fact that they approached the sapphire wedding holding hand in hand, proved that they were created for each other and that they are halves of one whole. Isn't that the biggest reward?

Wedding Anniversary 45 Years - Sapphire Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 45 Years - Sapphire Wedding

Symbols and traditions

The symbol of the 45th wedding anniversary is a precious sapphire, a stone of fidelity, constancy, purity, virtue, reflection, contemplation, philosophical knowledge, strengthening of love and contributing to a long lasting marriage. This blue stone was actively used by our ancestors for medicinal purposes for rheumatism, diseases of the spine, neuralgia, epilepsy, hysteria, heart disease, for blood purification. A gold necklace with a sapphire will be a very appropriate and simply royal gift from a husband to his wife for the 45th anniversary, you can stop at the exchange of rings with a stone.

According to the centuries-old tradition, spouses on this significant day must undergo a cleansing procedure. How this is realized, the heroes of the day with children decide on their own, there are many options: a Russian bath, a Finnish sauna, a Turkish hamam, if health permits or spa treatment. Or maybe a detox program at the spa or treatments at a private medical clinic.

Blue shades should be present in the clothes of the heroes of the day.

How to celebrate?

If by this moment the spouses have not decided to get married, it's time to fill the gap - a blood relationship, time-tested, trust is boundless, what else is there to pull the cat by the tail? In addition, the registry office can invite you to the remarriage ceremony.

As for the unofficial part of the holiday, it is better to limit yourself to a cozy atmosphere and a very close circle of relatives and friends. Gather at your favorite dacha or in your ancestral home with quiet gatherings by the fire or fireplace, with soulful songs with a guitar and fond memories of happy moments together. Viewing family photos and video archives. The older generation has something to share, and the younger generation has something to do with it, and use an example.

What to gift?

Everything that has to do with water (a prefabricated pool for a summer cottage, an inflatable boat, a fishing rod for a fisherman) or blue: linen, dishes, garden or home decor and other useful things in the household.

Traditionally, the holiday is accompanied by group photo sessions in the family circle, it is not known when else the opportunity to take a photo will appear in full force?
