A quarter of a century spent together symbolizes noble silver. It cleanses, protects from negative influences and bad influences from the outside. Silver wedding testifies to the wisdom, loyalty, support, true love of the heroes of the day. This event is definitely worth celebrating.

Celebration traditions
The morning of a significant date should start with real romance. Spouses should kiss when they wake up. The longer the kiss lasts, the sweeter the memories of the past years.
Then the heroes of the occasion are offered a ritual when the husband and wife together collect water in a silver jug and help each other to wash. The wife washes her husband three times and wipes him after each time with a linen towel. Each time is symbolic. The first one washes away age, fatigue and wrinkles, the second one - the experienced sorrows and anxieties, and the third marks the meeting of the dawn and the beginning of a new life. The husband does the same for his wife. After the ceremony, a little water is left in the jug, they put it outside the window or on the balcony, where the water will evaporate, and with it sorrow and anxiety go away. The faster the jug dries, the more successful your future life will be.
For a silver wedding, the spouses exchange rings made of this noble metal in front of witnesses and in a solemn atmosphere. They are worn on the left hand. It is believed that silver treats hypertension, improves immunity, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs. According to another version of this tradition, the husband and wife put rings on the middle finger as a sign of family longevity and happiness.
How to celebrate and what to give?
Relatives and friends present the heroes of the day with silver interior items, dishes, kitchen utensils, jewelry, and commemorative coins.
A party for invited guests is best organized in a retro style, to plunge into the atmosphere of youth and the first wedding celebration. The hall is decorated with white and silver decorative elements - flowers, ribbons, balls, garlands. The table, if possible, is served with silver.
At the end of the holiday, the heroes of the day see off the guests, thank them for their company and lively emotions. Further, without clearing the table, the spouses drink a cup of tea, which means unity and already consanguineous relationship.
Celebrating this wedding anniversary, it is worth remembering more the youth and pleasant moments of family life, do not hesitate to show your feelings and think that your whole life is still ahead.